thats what he said and now you're just trying to twist it to fit the moving goalposts.
so that makes it Bidens motorcade?
There are two planes.
Trump hates to lose so he snubbed them. He didn't call it the Biden administration...oh wait yes he did at the fucking speech at the Alamo. He knows he got cheated so he isn't going to extend his hand to help these fuckers in any way possible. He went EO happy at the end in an attempt to keep the agenda "America First" and forcing Biden to cancel that american first approach.
he just handed the fucking keys to the nation to a chinese asset. open your god damn eyes, they threatened the dude and that's obvious to everyone buy you folk.
I don't know how you people can see him becoming president NOW THAT BIDEN IS inaugurated. It just doesn't make sense. Its time to start identifying that.
I tell you what...I give you Q folk credit...regardless of how insane the theory is, or how much the goalposts move, you guys and gals hold steady. You're 10000000x more hardcore than us over on TDW.
Trumps "best is yet to come" is him opening his media company and continuing to have a voice with us.
It's not fake news, it's this communities inability to get past the fact that this Q stuff might actually be fake. Trump walked away, we have a new president who is absolutely illegitimate....there is NOTHING that can be done now.
Dude the evidence is in front of you.. You can't just move the goalposts
And where is the letter?
It doesn't matter if Trump takes the nuclear football with him go Florida, he HAS to take it as he's still the president until 11:59:59. As soon as Biden is sworn in (hopefully this never happens), Biden is handed a new nuclear football by an aide, his become primary, and Trumps goes offline.
He either saves us, or he's EOing like crazy to save his ass, and to make it impossible for Biden to govern without removing those EOs therefor making him not "America First"
Both plans could be right, I just hope Ira him saving our asses.
I'm new here too, there seems to be a lot more breaking and faster news over here. Granted most of it is Q stuff, which I can understand.
I got dragged in on the RED stages, even though I didn't really understand...until they started to happen. Some of that shit is fucking wild how its predicted. Ellis being put into NSA Counsel and so on. I found it fun to watch the plane guys tracking flights, and often found myself doing it too. This site is wild and I love it...
this is confirmed fake news, he didn't write it. Delete the thread.
I mean you can downvote me all you want, but its true. Regardless of our feelings on a law, the damn law says you can't go into those buildings. Why would anyone here think that breaking the window to the Capitol Building would be a good idea? Or fighting with a cop? Come on bros. I know the double standard exisits for antifa and shit, but we already know they have a hardon for locking us up.
What were they doing though? Were they outside and pounding windows in? Fighting with the cops? Or were they standing back and watching? If you were outside and breaking windows, you're toast. If you fought with the cops, you're toast. If you stood there and watched, you're fine.
I hope you're right. I'll probably be up at 8am to see if anything drops
but this has to happen BEFORE he is inaugurated, correct?
lets prefect it...what do you want next?
fuck you is only directed to you and it still is.
I've fucking admitted that I have doomed SINCE THE ALAMO speech. What is so hard to get through your dumb head? I've admitted that I didn't know qtard was a phrase not used here. I told you multiple times that I was new here and didn't know the lingo. That wasn't good enough for you so once again, fuck off.
You're one of those dumb ass sharia blue type douche bags I'm convinced.
I will respond to not one of your posts from here on out. If the damn block button worked, I'd just do that. Don't question my loyalty to the President, fuck off and good day.
is the 34 significant because its 17x2? and what is "9 states of classified plans ready to act?"
Okay can someone explain to me how it can be that Trump can be president AFTER Biden is inaugurated? I don't understand how that's possible..
I have no idea what I'm looking at lol
Here we go, its this dumb fuck right here that I'm talking about. He's gotta have me on some kind of notify for when I post. I've said it MANY FUCKING TIMES that I doomed AFTER THE ALAMO SPEECH. Trump is egotistical you moron, and I've said that it isn't a bad thing. God damn it Trump absolutely loves himself and all the of the stuff he's done (as he should). I didn't get shitty with a single user on this board except you. I've said it that I've seen "qtard" posted here and that I didn't know you guys didn't go by that. I don't know how this place works. I believe you're in fact the shill, not me.
How many Trump rallies have you been to? Probably none. Is your Trump flag still flying? Mine sure as fuck is and I'm in the middle of a Democrat stronghold.
I've had enough of your calling me a shill. Not that internet points matter, but there is a reason I have a high karma rating and have had many posts stickied. So fuck off with your bullshit, I've been on this train for 5 god damn years, have dragged people to vote with me, red pill my entire workplace to the best that I can, redpilled my entire family, and put myself out there on the internet (FB) to be constantly told I'm out of my mind for my support for Trump. So one more time, fuck you.
when they start af1, I'd imagine we won't even know he's in the air? right? unless we have a pede there to see the plane take off? I'm sure the media will be there too? right?
I've been here for about a week. I come here more than I do TDW because of the doom. I doomed fucking hard on TDW after the Alamo speech, some asshole here went through my post history and insists I'm a shill. I'm just a dude with emotions all over the place because of what happened, and I'm trying to find solace. I've admitted to me dooming on TDW until I found this place. I'm on the hopium, but have drawn my line at tomorrow at noon. If Biden is sworn it, it's over. But until then I'm crossing my fingers.
in the 1700s they didn't have fucking drones and Abraham tanks bro.
How in the flying heck can we get past Biden being inaugurated? I've watched the goalposts move here over the last few weeks, when is enough enough?