My 84-year old mom had blood work to have hip replacement in April '23. All cleared, she had the surgery and was rebounding. With her walker she would go to church and to dinner with us again. Then in August it was obvious she had lost a bit of weight. She was complaining about her shoulders aching. Blood test revealed higher liver number. That meant she needed an ultrasound. We knew what that meant. The ultrasounddone in October revealed a 15 cm. tumor on her liver. We found out that at around 400, doctors suspectliver cancer. Her number was well into the 100,000s. In 6 months. Hell yeah the Vax causes turbo cancer. She went home to our Lord right after Thanksgiving.
I know that story and I've shared it with a few people! Tom Zimmer, a hermit, went to live near Loretto. He met Dr. Curran.
This isn't the original one, but it's the priest who sared the story.
I've wondered the same. No sharpshooter on that building? People saying they were telling secret service about a guy on the roof and they were ignored? I'm watching everyone lose their minds and thinking...this doesn't add up. Nobody went running?
It's better to pour money into redoing restrooms so that they are genderless. It's better to inservice teachers and train potential teachers and administrators to be sensitive to students' individual identities. It's better to allow a child to wander around a classroom or hallway or gym behaving as a bunny or a cat and teach around that distraction. We may not be able to read or succeed as a nation, but, damned if we won't be the most sensitive!
Thanks so much. I tried to keep my own husband and kids from getting it. They didn't until I got covid. I ended up on a ventilator. They all got scared and got it. Now I pray my young 30's daughter won't end up with cancer and will be able to have kids. Prayers for your family too.
I'm so very sorry. A friend had breast cancer and was in remission for 20 years. She works for university of Pittsburgh. I'm certain they forced her to vax. Within a year she had breast cancer again. She is clear now. I pray it doesn't come back. I fear for all these folks who were strong armed into getting it based on cancer history.
We just buried my mom. 84 years old. She had a good and long life. I am thankful for that. I am certain, however, that her covid vax and booster led to her quick demise. She had blood work done in April and was cleared for hip replacement in May. By June she was coming with us to church, to dinner, to our house. By August she was complaining a lot about how sore her shoulders were. We assumed it was from compensating so long for her hip. In September she had blood work again. This time they said she needed to have a liver ultrasound. She did in October, and then had a CT scan. She had a 15x13x13 cm mass on her liver. It turns out that the liver number in the bloodwork causes concern of cancer at 400. Her number was over 100,000. Cleared for surgery in May and needing an ultrasound in September sounds like turbo cancer to me. She was 84. I loved her and will miss her. These young women with's unthinkable. If they even survive, they will doubtfully have children. This is horrifying.
My mom is 84. She felt that at her age, almost three years ago, she should get the Vax. She did get two boosters. Six months ago she had blood work done for hip surgery and was cleared. Two months ago , after blood work, she was advised to have a liver ultrasound. A month ago it was determined she has a 15x12x12 tumor on her liver. But it's probably just the martinis she drank once a month.๐ก
Suddenly Allegheny County in PA has this "community health campaign" to "raise awareness." In 2023 we suddenly need to "raise awareness?" OK. It's not like covid vax victims might suddenly be experiencing his symptoms or anything lime that.
Had family talked out of vax. Got covid and was on a vent not expected to survive. My family all got scared and got it. I understand. I'm sad about it. One of our kids just graduated with Bs in nursing. Of course she got it and first booster. Felt she had to do it. Middle one is in nursing. Same thing. Youngest will be a senior. He did not get the booster. Husband got it and not the booster. Now I pray my oldest will be able to carry and bear children. She is getting married next spring.
As a school principal, I noticed that the kids I knew were vaxed were we out sick about every three weeks.
It's sad.
Thank you. I miss her, and I hate that she trusted the vaccine. The blessing is that she lived well and long and honestly didn't have to suffer long. I'm angrier for all who lost much younger loved ones or who had to watch their loved ones suffer greatly.