MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL are the files the excuse to drink the bourbon, or the bourbon the excuse to read the files. In any event, we all knew it was the CIA.

Maybe I need two bottles of bourbon. Enjoy!

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

These released files are NOT the REAL juicy ones. There is not information about the second shooter theory at all. They are not releasing the interviews with the people sitting close to the car. They are not releasing the information on what, where and what Bush Sr was doing in Dallas that day.

I am dissapointed, but I have to believe that there is a reason why they are not declassifing that informtion YET? GOD Loves YOU!

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks Joys1Daughter, you are awesome!!

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 13 points ago +13 / -0


Anybody would like to dig into Q?

MaruQ 14 points ago +14 / -0

My best friend mother was 63 when she was taken to the hospital due to overheating. She was working in the garden during Summer and got dehydrated. She was in the hospital for three days. She recovered and was ready to leave the hospital. The night before, my friend called her mother to let her know that she was going to pick her up around 10:00 am the next day. When my friend wento to pick her up they told her that she was intubated and receiving Rendesivir. She died two days later. My friend found out the hospital received $44,000.00 for her death. She is still fighting the hospital. It is a very sad story.

MaruQ 25 points ago +25 / -0

Finally their true colors is showing up. You asked why? Even though Switzerland say they are neutral, this is not true. In reality Switzerland is the heart of the money for globalists. The BIS is untouchable. Switzerland has made us believe that they are the the poster child of the EU neutrality.

What is the difference now? TRUMP, I believe they are concerned about Trump pulling the mask down, so now they need protection from NATO.

Bunch of hipocrites, greedy. Switzerland needs to open their safe full of money and distribute it to all of us. That is our money, not the Rothschilds' .

GOD Loves YOU!

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

At one of Epstein's islands?????

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

This situation with this lady is more troubling that you might think. I don't believe she is in Ireland because of her own desire, I have always look at her as a dangerous agent. She is there to inject trouble to Ireland. Believe me she is in Ireland trying to do doing something bad. She is evil. Let's keep an eye on her.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely 100% agree about MacGregor. But Trump must remove Coronel Kellog from his job. I don't trust Kellog at all. I have my suspicious of him being part of the Deep State.

I agree with MacGregor, Trump must remove USA from all Ukraine's aid. It is NOT our war. Yet, we should help the people in need.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

The land of MI6, no thank you. This might be a bait for him to go there and try to do something to him. If Charles wants a meeting with Trump, him and his wife can come to USA, with the condition that Charles must take his entitled son Harry with him. I am sick and tired of Harry getting involved in our politics. Him and his wife Meghan are SILLA/MI6 assets.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep up the amazing work you are doing. I would like to thank you for your dedication on keeping us informed. You are God's gift.

MaruQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

DOGE is about to come up with all the fraudulent information they have found. Is this the first step from Demonrats to start shutting down information systems so we do not find out all the dirty work they have been doing. It sounds like they are desperate.

Do they really think that they will cover up their deeds by shutting down X?

Info WAR! God Loves YOU

MaruQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only thing I can say is "Trust the Plan". I know I have been guilty myself of trying to get ahead, but the reality is, either we like it or not we have to wait for the normies to wake up at their own pace.

It is so frustrating for us that we know how the movie will end, but we have to wait for the normies. They are still watching the movie...

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 22 points ago +22 / -0

You are not saying "I am sorry" so you are the same hipocrite.

Press 2 for Russian ...


MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

You got it all wrong Raid like always, the tissue paper that it was just handed to you, was not for your face, but for the staff coming out from your big fat a*** . No, I don't feel sorry for you. You have done too much damage.

MaruQ 8 points ago +8 / -0

They know that Trump has their small assets in his hands. They are done, it just a matter of time.

Macron, his pedophile husband, and pervert Trudeau, know that when the Epstein list comes out, they will have one way ticket to hell.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know this story might sound familiar. For the last couple of years, I was sitting working on my computer and login into GAW to see if anything was going on in our favor. Some nights I couldn't even sleep, with anxiety because everything was against us. I wanted the nightmate to be over. People were making fun of me due to my conspiracy theories.

Now I can not even take a toilet break. There is so much going on, that it is hard to keep track. WE ARE WINNING!!!!!. I think I will start wearing a diaper so I don't miss anything....LOL


MaruQ 19 points ago +19 / -0

Thanks so very much! I have tears falling down. We have been waiting for this time for so long. With the grace of God, we have been humbly patience. I have to say that there were a lot of times when I felt alone. I lost so many friends, family members, including my own daughter. But I never gave in, I am proud I did not get the vaccine and did not wear a diaper on my face. I was a patriot in my own world.

Let's keep praying. We have not seen even a pick of the storm yet.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

Frens, be nice. I do agree that Fauci, should be on a museum. But on a "Horror Museum" with all the evil characters...

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't agree, just for the fact that Democracts were given Presidential Medals of Freedom to anybody who was part of their corruption. That medal should not exist anymore, since it does not have vaule. The name should change to "Q Medal of Freedom" ..lol, or "The Patriot medal of Freedom".

What do you think? Any other suggestions?

MaruQ 6 points ago +6 / -0

A judge who is protecting the best interest of the deep state and is fraudulent, does not have right to limit access to tell DOGE that they are limited to the system.

We the tax payers have the right to know what is going on. We voted for this to happen, so DOGE must get that information out. Get the federal judge out of their way.

MaruQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been looking at Samantha's pictures and I know she remind me of SOMEBODY that I have seen before...remember that picture of little Maggie with Obama? Samantha Power (I am sure that is not her real name) looks like Maggie. Is Samantha, Maggie's mother? I am not good at research but if somebody has a way to find out who this Samantha Power, is we can unlock a lot of knots.

God Loves YOU!

MaruQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gosh, it has been so hard for all of us these past years. I even got physically/emotionally sick due to my daughter not speaking to me due to her BLM beliefs. People were throwing feces in our faces with all the transgenderism, gay indoctrination, child abuse, financial issues, etc.

Mathew 5;39 "But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also" Then God turn everything around and it is justice time. Let's keep praying, since the devil never sleeps!

God Loves YOU!

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