Australia, Canada, Columbia, Japan, Netherlands, Mexico, Peru
I'm in Oklahoma. I called Langford and left a message.
I remember reading that Trump flew on Epstein 's plane, but not to the island.
I'm curious. How did you get around the "required" paperwork as a new hire?
Can it be found through The Way Back site?
Oil of Oregano sure helped me. I had severe sinus and congestion going on for months about this time last year. Even resorted to a round of antibiotics. I would feel better, then in a few weeks it was back. I stumbled upon oil of oregano and bought 150mg gel caps at the health food store. Found online that for infection to use 600mg. I took two caps in the morning and two in the evening for about 5-6 days. It worked!!! All the congestion in my lungs and sinuses are still cleared up. WARNING!!!! - This acts like a detox so be prepared for the toxic release side effects. They can be flu like. Next time I will only take 350mg a day.
I need to educate myself regarding the territories. I did not realize we had that many.
What's up with the "56" states? I assume it includes territories?
While scrolling through I saw "Nanny", "Kids", and "Baby" listed.
Cognitive dissonance.
For another avenue to dig into is: What if FED means Foreign Exchange Department. That is a specialized department for funding imports and exports and facilitates foreign currency exchange. Could that Q drop have meant both?
Thank you. Surprised myself on that one. 😂
Ummmm🤔 Rachael......Chandler.........Ray Chandler
I have been ridiculed for years for my belief in chemtrails. I've learned to set back and watch the naysayers as they wait to be told by MSM they do exist.
Remember in the end we need to flush out ALL evil and corruption. If not done right, no matter how long it takes, they would continue their evil ways.
This explains what I have been wondering. I once asked my liberal friend how is it two intelligent women can come to such different conclusions on important issues. We were talking about the vax. I told her I take time to read both sides, then come to my own conclusion. I asked if she did the same and her answer was, "No, I don't need to.". She is also highly educated through our University system, one long term career in the corporate world, and a second career as a teacher. Go figure.
The website listed goes to a WinRed donation page showingTrumps statement. But I don't see his new official approved symbol.
I thought he seemed very humble.
And a book about it all was available on Amazon 2 days after the fire.
I have one near me. I will take a look.
Years ago I was reading about the GWEN towers. I have come to believe they have now been integrated into our current communication towers, but have no proof.
Then where were the ones that were legit? How did they not know this at the time?
Closing the border should be the first thing done!
For some it is cognitive dissonance.
Yes it can.
From my end I did use the "U". I realize now some of those were close to the Canadian border. The one from Australia was over Hawaii.