It’s my belief we are only seeing the beginning of China’s biological attack. A manipulated virus + vaccine mutations = more severe illness for non vax, constant jabs for the vaxed....Talk about burning the candle from both ends. I joked the other day but maybe the unvaxed should have a Covid party like the old chicken pox days.....but the cocksuckers in gov won’t accept that as valid “protection” - ya know because science.
Wishing/waiting for trump is not a plan. Organizing with others and demonstrating is good but uphill battle for sure. I’m a fellow Wa St resident and strongly considering Montana.unfortunately Montana is under heavy migration from California (Bozeman, Missoula) avoid if possible - numbers still favor conservatives and could use good Americans to keep it that way.....too bad Wa has always been one of the most beautiful states - politics have destroyed the beauty.
ya no reason for a reboot....
I hear ya, king county Washington here......
Story doesn’t add up - went to the hospital for a sunburn? Got a covid test, because why? Obviously wasn’t feeling symptomatic, but gets tested positive. Then says he will battle it out at home? Did he all of a sudden become symptomatic while at the hospital? Total BS story - fear mongering...
It’s probably from wearing a gall darn mask all the time...
Me too - some family, couple friends and tons of co-workers and no issues.
Gets me every time -
I sent this to my sister - retired Major and now with civilian side working for military. Funny story she said the Generals hadn’t taken Trumps picture down as commander in chief...this was a couple months ago so maybe it’s changed now. Still good of them to keep it up months after the sham -
Screw it - I’m ordering more emergency supplies. 🤦♂️ I was going to get another 5gal of pure gas. We have a co-op nearby where I pay a premium but it lasts forever. Keep enough on hand to get us out of Washington without stopping for a refill - quick pit stop in our hometown, grab the fellas and head east. Destination I won’t share but it’s our last stand - obviously this is the shit hits the fan plan and I don’t ever want to have exercise it.
Rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it....
Uhm - slightly more than 18k....hang in there frens across the pond.
That about sums it up
No issues at our credit union -
Country music is house music for the right - I get some people may not like it but it really does capture everything we believe in.
Give me a pickup truck and yeti cooler full of beer any day!
When did counting ballots become a linear equation? Probably the same time they introduced MS SQL....
Ya - 16 guns and 1k rounds, that doesn’t add up to anyone who owns firearms. Give me a break - and they just left it in the room and forgot to put the “do not disturb” sign or leave someone to guard it? Wtf - these people must think we are stupid.
That’s a big headline one - I forget about the Amy Robach hot mic.....devastating
I still see plenty of idiots masked up but I’m free roaming the W Wa east side. Still too many masks if you ask me - heading over to E Wa this weekend, home town was pretty based during the winter so I’m expecting wide open.
States still have the power to ban mandatory vaccines. My company is caught between these “guidelines” - operate out of Seattle but their businesses are in “free states” so limits what they can mandate.
Need more receipts -
I’m not discrediting her or crediting her. Succession planning has been around for years. I personally have to look at succession planning for my org routinely. To make a connection with vacs and succession is a bit of a leap. We have an aging workforce and expect 25% of our org to retire in the next 5 years. My company is asking you to report on a volunteer basis only but clearly I have issues with even volunteering this info. Interesting our Montana employees don’t have to comply - new Gov is based. TX just passed something similar so I quickly see our “vol” efforts being retracted sooner than later. I would be shocked if these corporate heads new people would be dying in 3 years - that wouldn’t stay quiet. Organizations can’t keep two cents
She ran in our 45th district but got blown out - not sure what she will be able to accomplish. Not surprised I live in the 45th and I’m surrounded by assholes.
Sign me up - I am all about finding ways to get involved now. Wife and kids demonstrated to get our school open, looking to get on the council.
Got herself some free burgers or donuts....