Merlot_Enthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Folks, I can tell you I've known eight presidents, three of them intimately.

I'm guessing those three presidents were from Ukraine, China and Israel and the Ukrainian president was the only time Biden was the top.

Merlot_Enthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if China has been quietly working behind the scenes for decades, manipulative and corrupting our institutions?

  • 80% of the Democrat Party leadership are (ahem) "Bolsheviks";

  • 73% of the White House Cabinet are "Bolsheviks";

  • Our mainstream media is totally owned and controlled by "Bolsheviks";

  • Our largest online platforms including Alphabet, YouTube, Facebook and Reddit are owned by "Bolsheviks";

  • Even our Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists are funded and controlled by George "Bolshevik" Soros and his Open Society Foundations.

The CCP may have succeeded in infiltrating our institutions using their spies, however the total infiltration by the (ahem) "Bolsheviks" makes the CCP's efforts look armature.

Merlot_Enthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

My parents started asking for rent money when I was 15 years old, which seemed reasonable to me to help out with the bills. I got a job working in a supermarket after school so I could afford to pay weekly rent.

Then the rent started going up every week and eventually my bank account was empty and they were taking everything... this went on until I was 16 and after they'd taken everything, they kicked me out. I literally had nothing but the clothes on my back, my shoes and my schoolbag.

I never got into trouble. I never swore at my parents or disrespected them. My parents weren't poor, they had a nice house and my father had a good job... yet they decided to take everything from me and discard me as if I were trash.

My father tracked me down about 10 years later and demanded $5000 from me as a small payment for the food I ate when I was a child. I told him to get fucked.

I haven't seen either of them since. I'm unsure if they're still alive or if I'd even recognize them and I don't much care.

We don't get to choose our parents and not all parents are good people.

Please take care of yourself.

Merlot_Enthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

REMINDER: FrankSpeech.com is officially being launched on Monday!

Or that's the plan, anyway.

There may be a feature for foreigners to create accounts without needing to provide a mobile phone number, which is what I'll use to sign-up if I can.

Merlot_Enthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Epstein Island was a MOSSAD child rape extortion honeypot.

If Melinda tries to expose anything, she'll likely be killed before our MSM covers it all up.

Merlot_Enthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Epstein Island was blatantly a MOSSAD child rape extortion honeypot.

Did Gates become a life-long puppet of Israel after his orgy-island "pizza parties" were recorded by hidden MOSSAD cameras which were hidden in every bedroom of most of Epstein's properties?

by BQnita
deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3