Looks like you are in the correct state of mind. Good D level. no statins. You probably are like most of us Americans that are getting slowly poisoned by our foods. I'm sure it will catch up to me and I'll to get tough on my diet. (Maybe I'm banking on RFK to get us straightened out).. Anyhow, you might try to an elimination strategy which is commonly like a carnivore diet. Simplify. There's probably some chemical in some processed food out there that's reacting bad with your body and causing inflammation and problems. It's going to be hard and I haven't done it myself, but try stripping down what you're ingesting to just like water and meat. See what happens. adjust accordingly.
The nerve of like a Norway not gassing up our subs after we've been their defacto military for 80 years. (Myanmar ranks higher on the globalfirepower rankings than Norway). And what's their reason for being upset? That we're trying to negotiate for peace in their region?
Good points. I guess someone could make a list of already, confirmed guilty customers that for some reason haven't been arrested. I suspect that list will fall far way short of a list in all of our imaginations. If you're referring to Epstein "client lists" than I believe that would encompass many more in that net than would deserve our scorn.
One nitpik...this "list" thing. I mean what is meant by that? list of who has been to the island? list of who DS/Israel has blackmail material on? A list of who was on Epstein's cell phone directory? I suspect we've become lazy or I don't know if this a media trick to get us talking in these terms... about an "Epstein list". And if a list comes forth, who determines who made this list?
Bottom, there is no list. There's just a lot of individuals in a lot of trouble of varying degrees.
I can't believe (I can) libs keep going back to this. Miller is awesome, but he could have skewered him even worse like "Jake, don't make me call Ice on CNN. You're not keeping some underage illegals in back there to clean your toilets."
ok found his series of substacks on this Ellison topic under the article series called "Flight 1745". I prefer to just listen to someone read it on Rumble though while I work.
A couple years ago, I listened a couple hours to an epic rumble video about the theory of a guy called "Richard the Saint", a substack writer I think. He ties together a bunch of stuff with the CIA / Ellison / and William Colby, etc...It's worth a re-listen or re-read.
I was going to sell some at the coin shop today, and they were flooded with sellers. They were only going to give me $17 per face $1, when melt is more like $22. I bolted. I kinda feel stupid now. Should converted it to bitcoin years ago. Another missed opportunity.
wow..that's crazy our studies say that not being amish causes autism.