"If nothing happens on the 4th that's it I'm done"
"What does done mean?"
"It means I'm just done ok"
If it was written in crayon and had a juice stain somewhere on it then yes he wrote it.
Agreed we are def going to see Biden removed and Kamala put in place before any military action is taken.
I am enjoying my life, but If ppl want to leave a cry baby bitch comment they deserve a harsh response back. You should probably go over to Complainers.win
Breaking: Hunter Biden will be running the children's tents and he will bring the M&Ms and foot lotion
Why are you bitching don't wear a mask, learn to cook new gourmet food for your family, don't drive as much. You sound like a Lil bitch " I'm not enjoying life bc I don't get to enjoy eating out." Grow the fuck up you've been asleep the govt has been bending you over and now that you are awake to it your life sucks. We are in an information war right now open your fuckin eyes instead of crying the signs are everywhere we are taking this country back. If you have to be uncomfortable now for you to be free in the future then suck it up. If you choose to be miserable then great, but I choose to enjoy watching these libs eat their own and destroy themselves.
Seems like 1 at a time the dominoes are about to fall. Cuomo Newsome Biden then you are right possibly Kamala. I don't understand why ppl are so anxious to get Trump back I am enjoying the shit show the dems are putting on for us.
Now I would bet money that Biden has no idea and Kamala and Pelosi ordered the hit and over the next week the media will hammer Bidens cognitive decline.
He's retiring as an Atorney of CT bc he is going to be the new AG in Trumps 2nd term
I agree with you 100% this is setting up Kamala for the 25th. Days before the bombing they are publicly screaming for the nuke codes then she acts angry. Over the next week well see more Joe stories of dimentia.
If you look at the narrative Pelosi and Kamala publicly saying they need the nuke codes. Then Biden does an air strike a day later and Kamala is upset bc she wasn't told. Now they have an excuse to get the codes which they won't so where does that lead them to? 25th amendment remove Biden bc he cant be trusted not to bomb ppl. Who does this benefit? Pelosi and Kamala watch the narrative next few days.
I actually just bought a horse mask and attached a face mask around his mouth. I went to Walmart with my gf yesterday and attached a chain from the cart to my belt loop and pulled the cart around.
Seems like the perfect narrative after they have been asking Joe to turn the nuke codes over then Kamla "was not informed." Sounds like the perfect "I told you so" now they need to take the codes before he does something bigger.
Ever wonder if she is an actor meant to look this dumb to wake ppl up? Even the questions asked and how she responds.. if Ir eventually comes out Steve Mnuchin directed this i will laugh so hard!
I think the right is learning how the lefties cancel and using it against them
Biden's daughter's diary entered the chat
The Biden one is from his interview ppl claimed to see his mask coming undone.
Looks like he enjoys pearl necklaces
The only way they are allowed in the club is to either hold Big Mike's dick or let him punch you in the eye. I heard you have to use 2 hands to hold it!
I just made a pinky and brain comment yesterday Nice!
Can you imagine working in whatever retirement home he gets put in. I'd call him Mr. President and run in his room slam the door shut and act like I'm peeking out. I'd tell him MAGA ppl stormed the Capitol again and we need to get him to the bunker. Walk him into the bathroom and make him squeeze in under the sink and tell him for his safety he must stay in the bunker till I come back for him. Then click out and go home!
Ya that siege on the Capitol was actually "mostly peaceful." They wanted us to burn it down and we were like "you guys let's pick up all the trash after we get a selfie"
He looks like the real life brain
I laugh bc what else are you going to do? Sit there for half a day then come back here for your fix