by BQnita
MordenGeist 28 points ago +28 / -0

About that liberal when youre young bit....i always disagreed with that.

Being raised in the midwest on a farm, i can tell everyone straight: liberal bleeding heart bullshit has no place when theres livestock, fields, family and neighbors to deal with. A man gets an early lesson on what really matters in life.

This doesnt mean youre heartless, it just means a solid perspective is instilled very young.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

What happens when a lack of self awareness/critical thinking, virtue-signaling bullshit, and the MSM dropping OP Mockingbird on you every night?

This. This right here.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeh, it's pretty different when you're taking on highly trained forces rather than a bunch of semi-intelligent goat-fuckers armed with Bobs Bargain Basement armaments for 20 years, aint it? Whodathunkit?

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well seeing as BlackRock pretty much runs the world right now, it'll be them and their subsidiaries that'll scoop your mortgage....and your house.

If you dont know who BlackRock yourself a favor and look into it.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see it as Lemmings self-elimination. Let'em go and the more the merrier.

We need to allow nature to take its course instead of warning and protecting these fuckin morons....which is how we got to where we are now with so many of them.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeh, was gonna say the same. There are seriously cognitively deficient people walking around and i often wondet if they have to put a sticky note on their alarm clocks to remind themselves to breathe.

MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'll tell you what I told my kids as they were going thru highschool and having the same difficulties. Yes, this still applies because there's buttload of adults who never got this told to them.

Life is full of people you'll meet, some are good and some are bad and some float in between. People tend to call other people they think are good, "Friends". Thing is, people use the word "Friend" too easily to describe someone who's just a good acquaintance, not a real friend. You see, an actual friend would never demean or belittle you, never lie or take advantage of you, and never put you in a situation they wouldn't like to be in themselves. If any of your "Friends" have done that to you, they aren't a friend...they're just someone who fooled you into thinking they were. Learn to key in on the things those types who would take advantage of you for their own selfish reasons. When you get good at it, you'll realize that there's very few people in the world you can actually call a true friend. Hold onto them and support them and they will reciprocate, no matter what's going on or for what reasons....they'll stick by you. Those who don't were never a friend at all...

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, and I was ridiculed and vilified for trying to point out all the traps and bullshit in it they were rooting for. Clueless cunts were just like NPC's doing what the MSM and their politicians told them to do instead of asking questions.

...and now here we are.

MordenGeist 17 points ago +17 / -0

Patriot Act spelled it out for those who took time or care enough to read it.

Has nothing to do with being a Patriot or being Patriotic.

MordenGeist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fuckin with those who wanna be left alone aint gonna end well.

To the jackboot cunts that lurk here, i would seriously consider your choices. If you decide to throw in with these One World Order MFers, all i have to say is: Bring it. There are far more of us than there are of you.

by Qlue
MordenGeist 16 points ago +16 / -0

I dont care what anyone thinks of Elon. This sort of meme'ing is massively powerful coming from him and i applaud each time he does it.

This one is solid gold.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

But we're still light years ahead of the masses and their MSM overlords, even without field specialists. Consider the implications of that. We knew much of everything coming out before everyone....and continue to do so.

I firmly believe if it were not for us anons, 99% of all this bullshit would still be unknown.

MordenGeist 15 points ago +15 / -0

Found it like most other prior Voat goats, 8kun, and 8chans: there is no stopping those who want to expose the truths and we all just end up in the same places.

Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes...

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was rather the point. It's called associative cognition.

MordenGeist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its O-neg too. I can be at a gathering of 1000 people and the little bastards find me.

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not really, since there is no mention of 6 years in his tweet. I mean, you COULD extrapolate but that's a serious reach, thus invalid if I have to force fit a piece into the puzzle. My opinion.

Also, we've been programmed to think 666 has some sort of evil pall over it. The Bible says it is the number of man, and it is.

Science proves it is the number of man, as we are carbon based. The carbon atom has:

  • 6 Protons
  • 6 Electrons
  • 6 Neutrons

666....that's you and me, brother...Humanity...thus, not inherently Evil but driven by free will to be or not be.

Bible is saying the Antichrist will come from the ranks of man. Antichrist is not a singular man, but a group of them who do not believe in Christ, thus they are "Antichrist"; e.g. the Pope, Obama, many politicians, etc., all "Antichrist" doing works to destroy and spread evil and sow discord. The Antichrist have been here all along, which is why it is so important for people to recognize and get good with God so as to not fall into their traps.

So, in summary: 666 is the literal atomic number of man, and Antichrist refers to anyone not believing in Christ....not a singular boogeyman.

MordenGeist 9 points ago +9 / -0

" I dont wanna say I was ignorant..."

That's the crux of the problem: way too many of these MFers have too much pride, even still after all of this, to admit they were wrong without making a caveat or excuse as to why. F-em.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

The MSM: they're all owned more or less by the same people. FOX is just the flipside bullshit coin as CNN, MSNBC that panders to "conservatives".

FOX is better at lightly coating bullshit with a veneer of truth to hook you, its just you've become way better at noticing.

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