I dont disagree, but shouldnt an OP make the same effort?
So weird that someone who posts and stickies fake news is berating people for "low effort"
Guess he doesnt own a mirror.
Are they backed by Jewish money?
Who is the primary group responsible for the SA collapse?
Dont be mad at me because of your errors...lol a dozen posts.
Hell the MODS sticky stories without a lick of receipts
What about that story about the official who claimed all those Arsonists yet after all those hours not even 1 confirmation
plenty of links from Purkiss in the top comment to get you started....if you want more after reading those post up and i will provide.
Many people forget that PizzaGate was born of the Wiki Leak Emails
He was just an actor used to deflect the REAL story
There are certainly better ways to SHOW THE PEOPLE than burning down a city.
NASA been pushing hoaxes on our tax dollars since they started.
....I just dont see how its possible to change the system WITHOUT a crash though.
Im not gonna be adding anything for a while and just need to calculate if I sell off and start again later......
Good luck to us all.
maybe its time to move some of that money?
That site deals in tooo many nonsense stories for my liking.
I put them on my highly suspect list a few years ago and not saying they dont have true stories but they are NOT a site I will share or refer others to.
OF COURSE ....the New Yorker is owned by one of the usual suspects
Donald Newhouse.
Can you link me to something about this.....it makes sense , but its an angle that I have completely negleted to consider.
It was more about JFK making them register as a foreign agent and thereby barring them from making contributions to US officials.
Obi Juan Kenobi?
If we are alive to view them anyway.
MOST everything could be a trap for Trump
He didnt get to where he is by staying in the basement.
While there is certainly concern, if Trump thinks its safe then I will just pray instead of worry.
Yep only MODS are allowed to be snarky and flippant....Ok FLEX MODstrong