- great website for keeping up with the latest goings on.
I say “Hold the wine”.
Yes I saw that video again just the other day. Trump said “Now, I have to tell you, he’s a different guy,". "He looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to, he’s even slower than he used to be.” When our beloved President speaks you listen carefully.
Brilliant!!! I’ll have to try it.
She’s one tough cookie. Love her!!!
“Did you feel safe”? Give me a forkin break.
This made my blood boil. FIRE BOB SELLARS NOW!!!
100% bang on. Now would be the time to join.
Wish I was as cool as this man. Love him!!!
And as people wake up, the cult is growing bigger every day.
Chin up sunshine. There’s plenty happening behind the scenes.
WTF Xi is a good guy?
Volatile events upcoming = when the loony lefts find out President Trump is back in charge.
Click on Deport button.
Loads of comments (incl my own) on the Mercer Law School FB page defending Lin Wood.
What a boring man to listen to. Can understand why Clinton fell asleep.
They obviously saw all the comments saying it was missing.
Mmmm interesting
Just checked and dislikes have gone down from 8.2k earlier to 7.6k. They’re at it again.
One strong lady.
It’s Lin’s official account on Telegram.
Hallelujah sister
God bless her
A free ride to HELL!!!