MrsHart 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought it was spoke volumes about the magazine that the article had a list of Saudi Arabia's political crimes. To be fair and balanced, the PGA tours sponsored country should also have its political crimes listed. Sounds like the monopoly and popularity of the PGA is waning and LIV wants to capitalize on it. Capitalize....hum. personal feeling on the matter are zero.

MrsHart 6 points ago +6 / -0

I live in New York, my career is over to this vaxx witch. The travel companies only send offers in NY state because the hospitals are desperate. The hospital that fired me begged me to get the jab and come back, while saying they respected my religious beliefs. I am not a nurse, I am a scientist, my job skill isn't replaceable but my job was easily handed over to foreigners with a work visa. In a state that a citizen needs a license to work in. Corrupt system including the NYSNA union.

MrsHart 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am 53. Lost my 25 yr career due to vaccine mandates and my husband to cancer in the last 6 months. You need hope. Start looking at a relationship with the Lord to help guide you on the path He wants you to take, not the one you planned. It sucks being lost, grieving for a lost life. Look for the small things to be thankful for.

MrsHart 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Lord has amazing things planned for you. Keep your thoughts on Him and not the storm.

MrsHart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. I will admit In fell for the fear until, there was nothing happening at the hospital. The were 3 deaths and 30 recovered....those numbers disappeared when the death jabs started and faulty testing happened in the winter of 2020. I hated the scientists I worked with for not believing credible sources. Lost my job for my beliefs.

MrsHart 1 point ago +1 / -0

The definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The barter system in my small town has never gone away. We trade work skills. My grandfather would charge a prayer for his skill to the farmer knowing they would give him milk or produce when they were able.

MrsHart 1 point ago +1 / -0

My husband died that day. Not well at all. Sprained my ankle hiking and have been alone in my head for a week. I hope your life outlook has improved.

MrsHart 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hold on to God's strength. I too feel like I am heading into the abyss. No job due to medical mandate, no unemployment due to mandate, my husband of 30 years is dying of cancer after developing it after the original covid. I have lost my career, my savings and my husband. He is fighting death at evey step, so currently in limbo taking constant care of him. Starting over at 55years old is incredibly daunting. God is the only thing keeping me sane.

MrsHart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here say that

MrsHart 4 points ago +4 / -0

Women and men lives were more physically demanding. No sunscreen and age defying creams to reduce wrinkles, no plastic surgery or orthodontic to fix the ugly nose and teeth. Poor hygiene and nutrients even among the rich. This is what we will look like when we can no longer afford these things. Not saying I can't agree with your statement but proof that many advances have come along to improve our outward appearances. Maybe why the stupid have multiplied, too?

MrsHart 1 point ago +1 / -0

A robot will do the job job better and cheaper, sadly

MrsHart 1 point ago +1 / -0

As an unvaxed hospital laboratory scientists still working due to a TRO against the state. What I am seeing ....get rid of the people who follow God and live and work in the community, so COVID protocol can be followed instead of treating the patient. The foreign travelers, often African or Middle eastern, don't care about MY neighbor and friends and will follow said protocol, which is nothing until Remdesivir is needed and a ventilator. Death treatments. More deaths