The squirrel was of color…..soooo…..
Again? Or still?😉
Yet Trump doesn’t….🤔
And we all said…Amen.
Repeal the 17th Amendment. Pronto.
Very nicely put.
Entheos has a better track record. Seems like fear porn.
The fire seems to be on the road below the bridge…..
Drugs are bad….Mmmmkay. Wow.
Eneloops rock.
Pour water back and forth between two cups and you can reaerate it.
High as in intoxicated or the height they should hang? I’ll take the latter.
Nov 5th could have only referred to 2024 and not 2020.🤔
Drink rain water or worse.
That was a tanker truck video from some time ago.
Good options. Hope this helps someone.
Case if inclined.
Someone else’s kid, especially a stranger’s kid, and no invitation…. Then absolutely. However parents can do it.
It’s a description of the two way range that combat is.
There was… She stated it was fixed,
The graphic shouldn’t even exist. Fraud straight up.
Wait…there’s a pin? 😉
12 o’clock flasher….same thing.
However if the storm gained strength over land or in any way defied accepted physics….then it’s getting a boost from somewhere.