This made me want to vomit.
Always Boulder County.
I don’t feel in control …. I’m at a loss on finances besides stacking.
I wonder what it will be. I could retire from my company- would I go into public service? Something I was never interested in before.
I thought same.
Link to source:
I have no idea who she is.
His name is on the Heavenly Jerusalem thing... So, this is potentially spot on.
Mouse = The Rescuers
IMO - he goes to highest bidder
Thank you for doing this. I didn’t ever think we’d get to this high of a number… but, that was maybe too much hopium
I’m in a neighboring country… of course we didn’t model our decisions after Douglas County- let’s follow Boulder instead!!!
I assumed he got plugs!!
Oh man…. With all the crazy stuff that I’ve learned….I can’t believe it never crossed my mind about the chanting by the kids as a sort of spell.
When I mentioned to my husband the info about the classroom and what the kids were repeating he gave me the WTF? look. Sounds like I’ll get some similar stuff- awesome!!
I love that I’m getting so many great resources from this question and they all look different…. Thank you!
Interesting perspective. I’ll keep it in mind while I’m listening.
Wow, I hadn’t caught that before. Thanks!
I’ve never been a great persuasive speaker. Backup info helps.
I sense I’m going to learn from this as well- thank you!
Yeah! He watched an explanation using a Coke can to demonstrate how the building could collapse on itself. I know it he thinks I’m crazy… so supportive scientific documentation is needed…
I could stack better- but at least we have something.