NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would leave my wife if upon our child maybe breaking his already broken back she was like "well the experts will handle it" and didn't check on them.

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

She watches the clock tick to 0 and then registers in her face her disappointment and repeatedly farms out normal guardianship to sanctioned hierarchies of grown males

NJHolyLand 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't think "from" and "off" are meaningful rooftop distinctions. It's an absurd scene that normalized the erasure of normal boundaries in service of approval of adult male authority figures.

Hahah u/propatriamori where you @

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a classic of western political theory man

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Sam does literally leap off of a building. You maybe noticed the male authority figure was unwilling to do so "Do not self terminate" is the most basic core program. To be prompted to disregard it by an authority figure is a grooming red flag alert for a chickenhawk predator not an inspiring moment of triumph.

NJHolyLand 0 points ago +1 / -1

He leaves on a bus from the locker room while his mother waits in the stands and watches his count down. She never went w him and the medics.

And farming out care of your children to some boyfriend is weird; a good slice of the child molestation pie chart is step dad's and boyfriends. That dynamic is normalized throughout.

If you didn't think the recruiting of the girl and picking her up were overlayed together then you don't know how to pick up women bc it was th same dynamic. And he did shut down the rival attempt to get attention by calling a kid penis breath. It's weird.

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

What's wrong w Leviathan? Its classic western culture and he's the tyrant figure

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha it might work too. They took over the entire Left and redefined opposition to power as submission to it with that trick. Our side has just as many stupid authority worshipping star struck NPC halfwits

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +2 / -1

So is "kike" and such. If memes don't have power wtf are we doing online? Memes are the root of all power. In this case it empowers the cabal to unleash their smirking minions upon the working classes of citizens with ammunition to shut down any vocal woman. It's just a more palatable and politically correct pronunciation of "cunt."

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also climate change. There wont be combustion on earth by 2050 except in permitted globalist centrally automated and directed productive zones.

NJHolyLand 4 points ago +5 / -1

No one should use the word Karen. It's a cabal word equivalent of conspiracy theorist meant to dehumanize any dissident female. Stop giving them ammo.

My wife can't confront injustice without being dismissed immediately as that term. It's divisive stupid liberal fascist dog shit.

Love your women and support them. Don't let NPCs dismiss a lioness w such a despicable term

NJHolyLand 3 points ago +4 / -1

Neither. The mockinbirds obviously have their marching orders about Qanon and that must be 1 folder in a broader project. They are here to steer the narrative and scatter seeds

by BQnita
NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are plenty of sober people that cheat at cards and have 30 bastard kids

by IAmOne
NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

First he was tortured in captivity in a mockery of the afflictions of Christ. Crowned, scourged and beaten then nailed crucified to a door.

by BQnita
NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course they would bc black hats wear white ones and steal all the decent impulses for their ends while also enfeoffing the sinister impulses. White hats wear gray hats i think. Trump for example makes no effort to portray himself a moral authority or model actor in the dimension of virtue.

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well I'm pretty sure he's a degenerate animal and conniving and acquisitive reptile that can rationalize any wickedness. He's a man not fucking Ulysses.

I have faith in him because I suspect since Ron Paul yet lives and fought and fought and woke up so many that there must necessarily be a patrician faction that is the last rally of the old guard.

The old guard were ghouls too, for sure, but their power is rooted in traditional republican government with recognition of natural rights.

The subversion wants to end that foundation. It's a porous class so old guard families can retain their traditional privileges and luxury, but only by submission to the transhumanist Satanist cannibal finance necromancer pederast secret societies.

I got old family that was lifelong military to Pgon officials and i know the profile of the old guard. They hate communists w nam vet moral certainty.

Some OGs must be resisting, or else Ron Paul could never have done what he did. Now they must range from have Trump's back to actively collaborating with him. Looks to me like a necessary property of the political classes.

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/sliver and anyone who can help: is this not a public company? I looked through all these links and company pages and searched online and cant find a stock symbol

NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did anyone read the pizza column? Seems like an eminently sound analogy to me.

You dont understand why schools filled w sexual assault complaints might want to cover themselves w instruction like this?

by IAmOne
NJHolyLand 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought that everyone knew that that's Jacques DeMolay, last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

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