NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the law states what the title says, it's super easy to get around it. They would simply spray the sky, but not for the purpose of geoengeneering our sky. Maybe to poison us, geoengeneer the ground through falloff, they could claim its for research purposes, or say it's mass water fluoridation.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, all I know is that I got something, and it's not just psychological. There is some sort of physiological issue happening.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't matter it happened, I don't care if you call it long covid or long flu or "bad times" it's very real. Everything else is semantics.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not vaccinated. In fact I don't even have childhood vaccines.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0
  • It would be impossible to get these symptoms and not think you are sick.
  • I had them for 2 years and still am not 100% better.
  • I had "long covid" Without ever watching TV or knowing about what it was.
  • please explain, how I could have made up the exact symptoms, and "self inflicted" myself (because i believed i was sick so hard) for 6 months without ever hearing about long covid?
NOT_ADMIN 6 points ago +8 / -2

That is dead wrong. (unless I am mistaken on what long covid is)

  • When the two weeks propaganda started, my wife and I were one of the few people in the city who ignored it and continued living our life. It was so odd seeing the city as a ghost town.
  • fast forward, we are traveling on super cheap plane rides, visiting family, going on vacations etc.
  • eventually we both got sick with something. My wife simply had a cold. No other symptoms. I on the other hand, started to have weird smell issues where everything smelled like pee. And then slowly I could not smell anything. I could not taste anything but 2 basic flavors. (Sweet or salty) I could eat a strawberry or a banana, and they tasted identical.
  • we even played a game, where I eat blindfolded, and guess what was what.
  • after about a year and a half of this, my smell and taste started to very slowly return.
  • one beneifit is I can't smell poop, weed, or vomit, or bleach now. I don't miss those smells.
  • I am about 90% back to normal now after 2.25 years of this.

  • So please explain how someone resistant to the propaganda from the very beginning. Someone who even before this, didn't watch the TV, how did I make this up? How could it be self-inflicted?
  • Please explain how I could have imagined these symptoms while at the same time unsure if covid was even real?
  • Explain how I had these "self inflicted" symptoms when for the first 6 months is was not even aware that "long covid" was a thing?
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's important to feel the gun. Many like glock, I personally hate the square feel of the grip. I prefer the feel of a S&W or a CZ as a duty postol but For conceal carry my go to is a sig p365

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure if many are aware of the kind of multi-verse scientists talk about. Its not the marvel version. It's that the quantum states collapse in our seen universe while the other states continue to exist but in ways that we aren't able to observe. Therefore there are multiple universes of quantum possibilities existing along side the ones we observe. It doesn't mean that there is a m Marvel multiverse of bubble universes each with their own twist.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I noticed she sits like a male.

NOT_ADMIN 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you ever fall into a body of water within your vehicle and you are either unable to break the windshield or open the door, don't panic. Camly take your seat belt off. And unlock the doors. Wait for the cabin to fill with water, get as high as you can to take your last breath right before it fills. As soon as the cabin fills completely with water, the pressure will normalize, allowing you to open the door. Swim out and up.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Falling up stairs doesn't make him an actor. Being shot doesn't make him an actor. He had several plastic surgeries, all of this has not changed his facial wrinkle mapping. Falling on a bike, and getting up doesn't make him an actor. None of what you said makes him an actor wearing a mask.

NOT_ADMIN -1 points ago +2 / -3

Or. What if this is in the communist playbook and us canceling every company falls right in line with that very playbook? Oh wait. It does.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +3 / -2

Joe being a masked actor is the absolute most retarded fucking conclusion this site has ever had. It's the very same thing as flat earth, and reptilian overlords. Joe being an actor with a mask makes no sense, doesn't help our cause, and only makes people here look stupid. It is bewildering that so many have been fool by this deep state injection... he is not replaced, he is the same Joe. You have 0 evidence and evidence would be easy to get.

  • facial wrinkle mapping proved he is the same.
  • test his voice with forensics audio analysis... same voice
  • if it's a mask take a IR camera to his next appearance. Prive it's a mask. But no. You won't becuase you would rather spread a delusion about him being an actor in a mask, than accept the fact that he is still Joe. It changes nothing by the way. But foursome reason a lot of people here eat this shit up. The earth is round, we have no reptilian overlords, and Joe biden is still Joe biden.
NOT_ADMIN 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some people are immune to snake venom from being bit so many times. They are the exception, Doesn't mean that snake venom is good for you.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

They likely have not created a mask of a known person that's simultaneously thin enough to not appear as a fatter version, and accurate enough to appear similar to the person it is supposed to mimic, while simultaneously, being flexible enough to fold like skin, able to sweat, it would need a new pour system. Here is an easy method to prove a mask is worn. Next public appearance, bring an IR camera. If he is wearing a mask there should be a clear heat anomaly.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe, maybe not. Psyop vs psyop. For every conspiracy found, 3 Psyops are made to muddy the Waters around it.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't buy her pet food dont buy her fresh pet food. Buy her meat. Just go to your local store or butcher and ask for trimmings for your dog.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please remember while masks can appear realistic from 6ft away, they will only appear realistic a a generic human. Creating a mask to look like another known person, say.. Joe biden, is an entirely different endeavor. Additionally these masks, although flexible do not fold like skin would. Fine wrinkles is not a strength of flexible latex.

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