NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Healthy, slightly overweight and relatively young. Been on fenben 3 days on, 4 days off 444mg (2g Panacur) on my 4th going on 5th week now. Wanted to remove parasites from my system after being influenced by other "conspiracy theorist" frens.

What it did for me:

  • Got really dialed in, mentally and physically. Suddenly had the urge to start REAL fasting in week 1, like 20+ hours a day, not the pedestrian 16/8 IF shit. Completed a 72 hour fast in Week 3.
  • I've self-diagnosed ADHD and kicked into hyperfocus mode in week 1 after being a lazy fuck for the past couple years. Unfortunately I started fasting the same week so I'm not 100% sure if it's the fenben or fasting. IMO it's a combo of both.
  • Related but I started waking up naturally at 6-7am wanting to go exercise (I usually would wake up at 8 and though I hit the gym, I haven't had such a strong urge to work out in years since my previous bout of fitness-focused-hyperfocus)
  • My chronic afternoon tiredness that's been around for years (I always feel like napping around 3-4pm and would get tired at 9pm) has completely disappeared and I feel like I have full energy during my entire waking day 7am-11pm
  • Reduced my body ache from sitting all day bigly. I still need a massage now and then but pre fenben and fasting, my ass, legs and lower back were aching literally every day. Some will say it's due to increased exercise but my routine hasn't really changed, and I've been so busy with work this week (week 4), I've been mostly indoors, my physically laziest week so far but body ache still low as ever.

What it didn't do for me:

  • I still wake up multiple times at night to take a piss. This has been a thing since I was a teenager.

Mixed: My surgery scar area (benign tumor) started feeling tingly the last couple weeks. I'd like to think it's the feeling/skin sensation returning after being mostly numb for years but it seems coincidental since the surgery was 3 years ago. Going to get it checked out in the coming weeks.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obligatory Ian Miles Cheong is a grifter based out of Ipoh, Malaysia and has never been to the US before.

Also his full name is Ian Miles Cheong Wen Xian and his last known address in 2020 was 99 Jalan Bunga Raya New Pasir Putih, 31650 Ipoh Perak, Malaysia (looks residential) and runs a company "Entity Cyber Level Limited"

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile in Singapore: I OWN my LEASEHOLD property 🤡🤡🤡

(Leasehold is a British term where the government owns the land and "sells" you the right to live on it for 99 years, after which they can repo it without paying or owing you anything)

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

It could be. And the fasting started/idea of even want to hard core fast came only after that initial weekend of deworming.

The mental drive kicking into high gear and desire to fast were a surprise for me but as for the original problems:

  1. I still have been waking up to pee 2-3 times a night so this is still a problem. It's not a lot of quantity each time and it happens mostly before 2am, then once around 4-5am, might have to do with the amount of water I drink before bed (I get thirsty) and during the times when I'm up to pee (I'm quite the mouthbreather... let's see if some weight loss from fasting will help)
  1. After at least 2 years of this, the tiredness and lethargy in the afternoon is completely gone (I have had zero desire to take a nap since 2 weeks ago, I noticed about a week in) and I have had high energy levels from 6-7am all the way to bed time at 11:30pm. There's been one or two nights I've felt tired starting 9pm but can be attributed to long days and the magnitude of tiredness wasn't as high as previously.

  2. Regular low level body pain (mostly back, butt... probably from sitting at the PC too long) is now lower and less frequently felt (every 1-2 days vs every day previously) despite retaining the same lifestyle of sitting way too often as before.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or it could be because he's eating better and working out more frequently

For the record this isn't my first rodeo. It's not like I was a fat lazy slob my entire life before this and changed everything at once.

My previous (successful) experiences at eating better and working out often a few years ago resulted in a -20lbs weight loss and drop to est 20-23% body fat but I didn't experience any such mental clarity or drive.

I regained that weight in 2023 because of stress from work and have been a fat fuck since. As of today I'm 10 lbs away from that previous low from a few years ago.

Same thing during my intermittent fasting attempts, even during my longest streak (maybe a few weeks of 15-16 hours not eating?), this did not change my mental clarity or drive and it was back to square one after a brief stint.

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like me back in that time too. I was lucky enough to make some money off being a "sentiment" trader back then but it was risky, might not have won as much or even lost if I did it in recent years.

Everyone is a fucking professional trader in a bull market. Another problem are the permabulls who think every drop in the market is a buying opportunity. Good luck with that when things fall off a cliff especially in crypto.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Technically I changed only 2 things that had the potential to do something: taking fenben and start fasting hardcore.

I was already doing all of those things before - working out, trading, intermittent fasting. I was just lacking consistency and any drive/motivation to do anything to be more consistent.

I didn't even have the idea or dedication to fast longer than 18 hours prior to 2 weeks ago. So something changed bigly after the first weekend of fenben.

Maybe it's coincidence, maybe it's placebo, maybe it actually works. But I don't believe that sheer maximum drive appeared out of nowhere and Ive felt this feeling before, I KNOW it's my hyperfocus kicking in, usually it has a clear trigger. This time I can't identify what the trigger is. My savings being eaten up maybe? I've thought about it but that's been the case for the past year. Why would the hyperfocus only kick in now? And a few days after the first round of fenben?

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I went for fenbendazole over ivermectin. Where I live, Amazon (fuck them and fuck Jeff Bezos and Andy Jassy) and the assorted Indian websites often posted here are the only places I can get Ivermectin without prescription.

The Apple horse paste (see the box picture in Parasite Pill 2.0) seems like the tried and tested goto for many people but I don't trust the no-name sellers on Amazon whose business addresses yield nothing online for the actual business (don't even have to be a store, just show me signs it's a legit vendor)

I've signed up on Alldaychemist and added my shit to basket and checked out without paying (they issue an invoice for you to pay via BTC) and what happened next was too sketchy for me to want to buy anything from them: I've gotten outright spam/scam emails from randoms addressed to the fake name and fake address I gave Alldaychemist for months. I know it's them because I have a dedicated disposable email specifically for their site so both the email address and personal info are unique to them. They're selling that information to sketchy scam centers and the like.

Fenben on the other hand is easily acquired in pet stores under the Panacur and Safe Guard brands

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been patchworking it from multiple sources. There isn't one "pro trader" I've found whom I've been able to emulate by directly employing whatever strategy they're using. The limitless moment was putting together the best parts of what I'd learned from - it's a knot I was trying to untie that I finally did in the past week.

That said it's 10% knowledge, 90% psychology (means practice... Get on a trading simulator like forextester.com or tradingsim)

Most "gurus" and "protraders" are scams because they rely on creating content to generate a lot of their income as opposed to actually trading (I doubt some of these traders are even profitable). One good example is Humbled Trader, 99% sure she makes money off content views and there's a lot of skepticism if she's even consistently profitable.

If people knew it only takes 2 months of learning to master the technicals of trading and the rest is DIY practice, the entire "creator economy" for trading would collapse. So of course they're going to make it seem more complicated than it actually is and create a dependency (subscribe to my telegram or YouTube for "market news and updates!!!") That's used as a pipeline for their paid groups/subscription.

What you need to learn is just:

  • How lines work on charts and how to draw them
  • How candle movements and shapes (bodies and wicks) work
  • Confluence of charts across different time frames (5 min to 1 day)
  • Candle shapes relative to lines on chart tell you if there are opportunities or sit out (NOT trading when no opportunities ars seen is also part of trading so you don't lose your money in a choppy market)

That's fucking it. Indicators are completely optional (really they just tell you what the candles are saying but in different visual form) but I personally look at volume (speed of candle movement) time to time and a couple moving averages.

News and FuNdaMeNtAlS are complete bullshit in my experience and echoed by various "pro traders" who seem legit I've come across. They add another element of complexity and shit you have to keep up with, with no tangible benefits. Especially true in clown world where bad news can make prices spike up and I've also seen good news spawn 5 giant red candles in a row 🤡🌍

Its only important to know WHEN news will drop so you can tighten up your stops 5-30 min prior.

Hope this helps.

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't want to dox myself =) but objectively speaking I'm not an ugly dude. But looks wise, you wouldn't think I subscribe to republican/Trump/Florida trains of thoughts.

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didn't expect such a drastic, undocumented, positive change that I didn't come across during my hours of researching fenben/ivermectin, deworming, parasites, etc.

I was preparing myself mentally and consciously looking out for herxheimer which thank God I did not have.

I have been drinking a few cups of black coffee a day (150-200mg caffeine equivalent) which has helped to suppress hunger. I'm drinking a lot of water at the same time and would love to try for water only fasts, but the caffeine is what gets me through, not really as a hunger suppressant (that's only happened once in the past week+ of fasting) but more of having something to "taste" that isn't plain water.

NPCLogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn't see shit in my shit. I didn't have high expectations based on the research I had done, those worms and shit only seem to appear in extreme cases or are exaggerated. I read it's completely normal to NOT see anything unusual in the poop.

Though I will say my poops were more frequent (4-5 times a day, I'm normally a once a day kind of guy) and runnier in my first 3 days of taking fenben. Last weekend (second 3 days), poop scheduling and texture seemed more 'normal'.

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the order of how shit went down was:

  1. Take first 3 days of fenben Feb 7-9
  2. Feb 11 - wake up at 6 and hit the gym (honestly I thought this was just me not being able to sleep). On this day I've also started to dial it in my trading learning/analysis. Like actually dedicate my entire day(s) to learning. This was the first day I cut out the heavy procrastination and daydreaming that's plagued my learning journey the past year
  3. Feb 12 - decide to start fasting and went full tilt 20 hours, been fasting 17-18 hours on the weekend, 22-23 hours weekdays since. With no desire to stop...
  4. Feb 13 - I realize I'm starting to "get it" with trading. Based on my trading journal, this was the first day of progressive, consistent wins that have continued till today..
  5. Feb 14 - I begin naturally waking up between 6-7am every day (my bed time has remained unchanged, 11:30pm every day) with a massive aching desire to go out and exercise.
  6. Afternoon of Feb 14 and 15th, 16th - second week of fenben
  7. Scheduled to go on my 3rd week dosage still 444mg (2g Panacur) tomorrow thru Sunday

That motivation has persisted till today though I HAVE skipped a few days and not worked out, that was because my brain was heavily prioritizing (i.e. consciously insisting) that I sit down and make sure that I git gud with trading because that's the only way I'll be able to continue paying for my gym membership in the future.

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it safe to take and/or as effective? I've seen a couple of unboxing videos of Panacur and they don't have the "API made in China" on the bottom, just lot number on line 1 and expiry on line 2. There was a box I just got last week which also didn't have the "API made in China" label.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for being so fast! It works now.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you reupload? Link is dead and I'm interested to read, currently researching fasting.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's great your friend is recovering well.

I've seen that page from Fenbendazole.org and have it in my notes. The gap there is they don't address Ivermectin usage and schedule.

Florida Sharkman addresses Ivm and fenben on a 10 week schedule, but doesn't mention how often to repeat it https://floridasharkman.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/FloridaSharkman-Protocols-1-1.pdf

FWIW I've also seen advice to repeat once every year, and another saying once every 6 months.

NPCLogic 2 points ago +3 / -1

Don't care for shilled shit trying to sell me shit because

A) I already have my own means of buying based on my own research

B) The real Florida Sharkman protocols are here http://floridasharkman.org/ where he doesn't try to sell you bullshit

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

USAID I get but why are SAVED and LIVES partially blue and red? What stylistic decision is that?

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Literally in the link above "Radiology oncologist Kim Ja-young uploaded a YouTube video on Oct. 7, explaining how to take fenbendazole. (Photo captured on YouTube"

Original article from the PDF on Catbox seems to be still online https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=6835

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