(((Bill Gates))) promises to grow healthier food with the farms he has purchased.
(((Bill Gates))) loves America and humanity!
Cheerios got bitch slapped for having heavy, cancerous glyphosate levels, got their "Baby Finger Food" card pulled.
A North American day care company with nine Chicago-area locations has stopped serving Cheerios in response to a recent report from an advocacy organization showing potentially dangerous amounts of an ingredient in weed killer in the popular finger food for toddlers.
Similar to shutting down our domestic oil production right after a massive Plandemic that destroyed families with lockdowns.
Sheep would be insane to think this isn't just the continuation of the 16 year plan to destroy America
Hussein was made to exit AF1 from the "ass"
We hear that Hussein wasn't allowed into the "Forbidden City" like PDJT was, though the media lies and says Hussein was there... it has been said that President Trump was the first ever US president allowed inside.
No doubt, Soros has been rigging elections with voting machines since back when the vote rigging company was called Diebold.
You may remember that it was the Democrats in 2004 who first raised crazy conspiracy theories about black box voting in Ohio on Diebold machines to elect George W. Bush. This led to the Soros-backed Secretary of State Project, which had its own sinister purpose, ultimately, but not involving voting machines.
Even the Chinese love Pepe dolls