Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not true, really. To make AI attractive enough to get people to use it -- from the Cabal's viewpoint, to get them to see things the Cabal cares about filtered through the Cabal's programming -- it has to be USEFUL, and thus it serves many useful purposes. I know someone who runs the IT department at a large 911 center and he uses ChatGTP to write emails, get answers to tech and other questions, and so on. He says it saves him a LOT of time and hasn't caused problems -- and since he's not querying it about political or other "sensitive" topics, censorship isn't an issue.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It sounds like you're doing GREAT with your husband! I hope you're able to get him off the Pharma drugs.

To protect my kidneys and eyes, provide energy, and support overall health, I take the following (and a whole lot more; I'm a big believer in supplements and have been taking many for decades).

Some of these are inexpensive and some are not. They've made a big difference for me and I hope they'll do the same for your husband.

The doses below are higher than you'll typically see and for a reason: I find better results with these amounts. A 40-yr-old in good general health wouldn't need these amounts, but I'm older and have issues. Start with lower amounts and work up.

See your doctor about this and the other usual cautions apply; in particular, do some research to confirm the safety and efficacy of the supplements below (there's quite a lot, in fact -- here's just one on Taurine, a cheap - $6.87/bottle - amino acid that slows aging in older people). Other sources for most of these exist but I like Life Extension for quality (they test their ingredients, for one thing) and I have been happy with their service and ethics for many years.

CoQ10 200mg with shilajit x 5 (spread out over the day)

Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with PQQ x 5 (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 1 at bedtime)

[PQQ](https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/item01500/pqq-caps 20 mg) x 2

Taurine 1000mg x 4 (2 on an empty stomach in AM, two later, also on empty stomach if possible)

D-Ribose tablets x 6 (spread out over the day)

I assume you and he are both taking vitamin C two or three times a day, a good multiple, and some other supplements. Life Extension has a 24-hr vitamin C tablet now that provides high blood levels the entire day with a single tablet.

I hope this (or however much your husband decides to take) helps.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for posting this again; it's something that should probably be posted at least annually. Very solid info and yes, Shallenberger's presentation is excellent.

(EDIT: PUREBULK looks like an awesome resource! In any case), Here's an alternative source for high-dose (60mg/capsule) melatonin:


I believe this is the source Shallenberger's clinic uses (from memory, so maybe wrong); in any case I've been very happy with them and order both melatonin and tryptophan from them.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great response.

I'd add that AI not only lies but, without the genetic connection we have with each other (we're all literally brothers and sisters -- many times removed, but still) -- AIs have no empathy and no organic sense of connection to humans at all. They are by definition psychopaths, with powerful "mental" abilities, a cunning partial understanding of humans, and no conscience or concern for us whatsoever.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too late.

But I certainly understand the impulse. Unfortunately, every military and every government around the globe larger than Togo's (plus every large corporation) plus NGOs like the WEF is working overtime to create what they hope will be the World-Dominating AI of tomorrow. "Benign" wouldn't be the characteristic they're going for, in most cases.

I see a narrow window of survival for us, but I might be under-estimating the danger. Probably am.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's clearly true for a lot of people, but there ARE those who can be reached and who thus might help prevent their grandchildren from getting "vaxxed" -- and not just with the COVID jabs -- or who have woken up to what they've done to themselves and are receptive to what can be done to counter the dangers (to whatever extent that is possible), or who can just be convinced to NOT get the next booster or the New Vaccine coming for Bird Flu or whatever Disease X the Cabal will be pushing this summer.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

If "good AI" prevails (or even if it is just able to exist for a time) it will certainly be a boon to home schooling, and to many other aspects in human life.

I too hope Elon is both completely sincere and is ultimately successful at creating an honest AI.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

for those individuals I know personally is that, should they come to me to express concern over having potentially had poison/biological weaponry injected into themselves, I will tell them that there are measures they can take which may mitigate damage and that I'd be happy to share what I know and sources, etc should they be willing to listen

That's me exactly, and I suspect many of us here as well. I've been a supplement nerd for decades and many of the people I interact with directly know that, so I do get a chance to provide info occasionally to someone who actually wants it.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I use Brave browser's free AI (named LEO) and get pretty much the exact same thing: Cabal-approved BS on anything the Cabal cares about.

On the other hand, on subjects the Cabal doesn't care about -- "How do I do xyz" or "What states in the US have no state income tax" for example, I usually get correct and useful answers and I get them near-instantly. When it can't find the answer in such cases, it just tells me.

If I didn't already know what subject the Cabal wants to censor, LEO would be a great way to find out.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

As an old techie, I know that saying well.

GIGO is mostly true with AI, but AIs are vast and complex compared to the programs that the saying was originally aimed at, and truly complex systems are non-linear in their behavior and far less predictable than simpler ones. The questions (infinite possibilities) an AI will be dealing with and the dataset (ever-changing and effectively infinite) the AI will be drawing from are both unknown, as are the near-infinite ways in which the millions of lines of code will interact in a particular situation. This is a major source of the danger from AI; what goes in doesn't always correlate (in any way you'd expect) with what comes out.

Having said all that, it is true that with enough prodding in a particular direction, programmers can shift an AIs answers in that general direction, as we've already seen. But even simple programs (going back to tiny programs for DOS and even before) need beta testing because what the programmer expects from a program isn't always what he or she gets. Even after millions of users and professional programmers have beta tested a new program from Apple or Google for months, bugs often remain.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

On anything the Cabal wants to censor, yes, exactly.

For other things, AI can be very useful, in my experience, finding answers to even complex questions almost instantly, even, sometimes, about obscure topics. I'm talking about Brave browser's LEO, which at this point is the only AI I use; I'm too cheap to pay for ChatGTP, I don't need or want to generate AI images, and I'm not a member of X.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I find that answers to questions the Cabal has no interest in are almost always correct (or that it tells me it can't find the answer). This is Brave browser's LEO I'm talking about, and it is very useful. But on anything the Cabal DOES want to obfuscate, I generally get either lies, omissions, or refusal to answer.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brave browser has an AI (named LEO) that doesn't require logging in. I've found it to be very useful for things the Cabal doesn't have an interest in obfuscating, and for those things the Cabal DOES want censored it can be entertaining.

On the other hand, I have an account with Brave, so . . . I guess I AM logged in. Demerit to the Internet Security lobe of my brain.

EDIT: And to your actual question: I don't use xAI and don't know if it can be used without logging in; I suspect not. Hell, I can't even see COMMENTS to X posts because I'm not a member and thus can't log in.

Narg 13 points ago +14 / -1

The Cynical Publius X post is excellent; thanks for posting it, bubble_bursts. Here's another comment on the rally I liked; a snip from the first item in https://badlands.substack.com/p/badlands-news-brief-8d8 :

Trump’s massive showing in The Bronx isn’t historic because it’s another near record-breaking Trump rally. It’s not historic because it’s happening in a ‘blue state.’ It’s not even historic because it’s happening in New York.

It’s historic in ways we don’t even know quite yet, but that I believe we can feel by watching its fallout over the coming days.

There is something intrinsic, American and yes, racial at play, here, and I think it’s something the Deep State fears more than anything else.

It’s been said that the Awakening will spread worldwide, and I believe that’s the case.

But it hasn’t even truly reached a fever pitch in our own lands. That day is coming, and I think we’re beginning to transition from the ‘very slowly’ phase to the ‘all at once’ coda.” — Burning Bright

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

For that matter, simply having "Organic" on the label doesn't make something healthy. The first or second ingredient in many "organic" salad dressings and mayo brands is CANOLA OIL, one of the worst seed oils. Soybean oil is pretty much just as bad, and nearly ALL seed oils should be avoided where possible -- and yet seed oils are scattered throughout the "health food" stores I visit, including in many USDA Organic items. READ THE LABELS on anything that isn't a single-item natural food, like a carrot.

from https://drcate.com/seed-oils-questions-answers-for-your-health/ --

The health impact of seed oils, whether good or bad, comes from the fatty acid profile and a few other factors, like how easily the oil is extracted and how much refining is required.

Based on those factors, I have identified what I call the “hateful eight” seed oils that nobody should eat.

What are the Hateful 8 seed oils? The Hateful 8 seed oils are:

  • Corn oil
  • Canola oil
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Soy or soybean oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Ricebran oil

The 8 processed seed oils listed above are terribly unhealthy. Eating them in the amounts we now do makes it impossible to avoid serious health consequences. So much so, that most of what I see and treat in my practice is related to seed oil toxicity.

Note that there are plenty of experts who claim that seed oils are great for you, or at least not BAD for you. As with anything, decide for yourself which (if any) of the common viewpoints makes sense, but this IS a topic that involves what you are putting in your body, so it's worth the effort to do some research.

Here's a book that I have found useful:

What the Heck Should I Eat by Dr. Mark Hyman

An article about how seed oils came to replace animal fats in the human diet: https://chriskresser.com/how-industrial-seed-oils-are-making-us-sick/

And here's a Brian Cates column with an interesting side-effect of ditching seed oils: https://briancates.substack.com/p/why-do-people-who-stopped-eating

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly. Although if "transitioning" is pushed to adults via fraud and misinformation, there's a crime there as well.

Narg 11 points ago +11 / -0

Waking up to realize you've irreversibly mutilated yourself and will never have a normal sex life, will never have children, and will have to live with the many consequences of all that -- would make almost anyone feel suicidal. People pushing this agenda on vulnerable children, in particular, need severe punishment.

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