Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I often think that Galatians 5:14, or John 13:34 - 12:35, should be the WHOLE of the Bible.

THAT Bible would fit on a 3 X 5 card, or on the two sides of a business card.

At the least, these versus about the importance of love should be placed at the start of the good book with the admonition that anything which stands AGAINST the meaning of those verses does not belong.

Much else in the Bible has been used to bad ends, or led to confusion. But not, I think, the verses about loving one's fellow human beings.

13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 

13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. **

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Big Mike as Presidential candidate?

What a HOOT! What a red pill opportunity! Barrack got into office because today's wide net of anons and citizen journalists weren't available to research and publicize the TRUTH about him.


Things are VERY different.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, I'm hopeful that the Precipice won't involve too much bloodshed and that America (and elsewhere) won't be completely destroyed in the process of getting us out from under Cabal control.

My expectations about how it will go vary from day to day. Sometimes I'm optimistic; sometimes I'm very concerned.

The possibilities are extreme in both directions: a healthy world of freedom and prosperity -- the American Revolution restored and improved -- or a thousand years of darkness and tyranny.

I think I know which way it'll go, but then again, I thought Trump would be declared the winner in 2020 and remain in the White House.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Horrifying -- insanity and tyranny to the max.

If this isn't red pilling the shit out of everyone in Scotland -- and people who hear about it EVERYWHERE -- I don't know what would.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every time I see a post like on X or elsewhere, what comes to mind is:

Hey! I (or some person I'm gonna interview) will soon release information that the Bad Guys would KILL to keep under wraps! Really! They would KILL me or my interviewee, and here I am posting about it ahead of time! Yes, there's still time for the Bad Guys to prevent this info from coming out!


Just post the damn information, interview, or whatever, instead of announcing it ahead of time, for crying out loud. The extra clicks aren't worth exposing someone to danger.

I'm not really complaining about ValueFuckingDeep posting this here -- where the audience is tiny and the cat's already out of the bag on X -- but mostly wondering WHY ON EARTH people who, themselves, are about to unveil serious information either directly or via an interview, keep doing this. (Of course, in many cases the Serious Information turns out to be Meh, but still).

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

AI artwork is f'n amazing. A tool that can quickly create something like this with just a text prompt would have been distant-future SciFi just a few years ago.

Also, I think Comeon4954's prediction is tenable. Here's hoping things work out that way.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think there's an actual child in the pic, because I think the image is entirely AI generated.

A LOT of other children have been treated in horrifying ways, but what appears as a child in this image is not one of them.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see your point. -- I use "true religion" to mean one that is healthy, well-intentioned, and which benefits mankind rather than harming it. That's not a dictionary definition but it seems accurate to me, and includes religions like Buddhism that do not worship a personalized God.

Buddhism | ˈbo͞oˌdiz(ə)m, ˈbo͝oˌdiz(ə)m | noun a widespread Asian religion or philosophy, founded by Siddartha Gautama in northeastern India in the 5th century bc: these days he practices Buddhism and meditates.

Buddhism has no creator god and gives a central role to the doctrine of karma. The ‘four noble truths’ of Buddhism state that all existence is suffering, that the cause of suffering is desire, that freedom from suffering is nirvana, and that this is attained through the ‘eightfold’ path of ethical conduct, wisdom, and mental discipline (including meditation). There are two major traditions, Theravada and Mahayana.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, seen the Crescent Moon symbol for Islam. And it isn't hard to believe that Satanic influences found their way into the Koran, given the mass murder and rape that Muslims so often inflict on "infidels."

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

In addition to the headline video, the post includes this, with links that sound very educational:

If you’ve got this far and are still reeling with the shock of having to come to terms with there being very obviously a global conspiracy, you may still lack context.

I more or less fell over the wonderful Scottish thinker, historian, and philosopher, Alan Watt (not to be confused with plummy-voiced Englishman Alan Watts).

There’s a lot of Alan Watt, just speaking about how we got here. Under the name “Cutting Through The Matrix”, there are recordings of hundreds of hours of Alan, describing the last 150 years of ever increasing world domination by the self-proclaimed elites.

Click here to listen

Of many techniques, the elites have always used these two:

  1. “keep it in the family”. Very many important roles are filled by people they know, because they’re their own relatives. That’s why “public schools” still exist in U.K. (for our American friends, this paradoxically means private, high fee, selective schools) and universities (the elite, such as Oxford and Cambridge, and the “Ivy League” in USA) still exist.

  2. “Recruit or destroy the brightest children of the useless eaters”. Bertrand Russell, a century ago, stated that the world wouldn’t run itself & the elites do it, but occasionally talent arises from ordinary stock. They were to be brought on board. If they declined involvement, they would either be isolated and kept away from where they could be a threat, or else killed.

Alan did describe being approached at least twice by the Rockerfeller Foundation, inviting him to join a working group that was to operate out of one of their top universities. They had even said he could speak uncensored. In the end, he felt it wasn’t worth his effort, so he declined them twice.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Alan Watt’s sudden death was arranged. This might be his last recording.

I’m not an expert on Alan Watt, but I first listened to him at length when I was in our place in France and I was restoring a big door frame and had on this 4hour+ edited together recording. The sun was blazing down on me as I patiently stripped back paint to old wood, then made modest repairs and repainted it. I had a much better understanding of where the current crisis sits in history than I had had before.

I’m sure there are numerous other sources. Three I’ve listened to a lot are

A) Mark Devlin (former career DJ, author& speaker)

B) Dom & Chris Waterson of Sheep Farn Studios

C) James Corbett, independent researcher, author and podcaster.

We know broadly what’s going on, the ruthlessness of those behind these events and I have confidence about where they intend to drive society. You need only to read.

As we move into 2024, the fifth year of what may be a permanent state of emergency, of war against the people, I’ve made a personal policy decision not to give large numbers of interviews with a retrospective nature.

I’ve given so many that anyone interested can easily find numerous recordings. To the extent they aren’t aware of me or are not able to find me (& others like me) me doing more interviews is hardly likely to reach them.

I will speak out about and warn against what I perceive to be critical hazards, like digital ID, cashless CBDC and of course anything with mRNA in it.

I don’t know 5minutes worth of material about things like decentralised, blockchain based digital currencies.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I posted this because I've seen a lot of other similar material, including from Purkiss, who lives there -- and I'm kind of hoping he'll comment. But I agree: anything from NPR -- or ANY other Cabal outlet -- is suspect.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I predict short rations for some of the future inmates at Gitmo.

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