Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The idea that everything possible becomes real is at the core of the multiverse idea, and it DOES solve a lot of interesting problems. It may be that we cannot comprehend the full nature of "real" -- the multiverse idea has adherents and opponents among physicists, as you know -- but as I said the idea just doesn't work for me. Then again, perhaps another version of me in another 'verse has other ideas . . .

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's an intriguing story, and your theory about it is as good as any. I would make sense, perhaps, if the multiverse is real. I don't think it is, but then I really have no way to know; I haven't seen anything to prove or disprove either the multiverse or Kastrup's theory, which is basically an extension of Quantum Wave theory, which IS well supported. But it might be that the deep nature of the universe is actually beyond human comprehension -- something I suspect is mostly true.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't buy the multiverse idea (and if I did, I wouldn't buy THIS idea that "your consciousness flees your body just before you die and inhabits one of 'your' bodies in another universe" -- what happens to the soul of THAT body, or are all the infinite number of bodies in the infinite number of universes just zombies until YOUR soul -- you being apparently the only "REAL" version of you -- jumps into some other schmuck's body? And as the centuries roll by, how is it that a copy of your body is still around to take over?).

There is ANOTHER quantum-based idea about mortality that some of us might be interested in, although I have trouble with it because it lacks any visible mechanism for memory retention -- certain types of brain damage can erase memories because memory is stored in the physical brain; if the immaterial soul had a way to store memories, that wouldn't be an issue.

The theory I'm discussing is best described by Kastrup and basically consists of these ideas:

Consciousness is primary; the physical is secondary. Quantum wave theory, which states that elementary particles, such as light and electrons, are nodes (or call it what you will) on the probability waves that carry the particles; see the Double-Slit experiment for details proving that particles are waves of probability -- which Kastrup sees as emanations of the universal consciousness -- until they are observed (which has a specialized meaning broader than the common one).

The physical brain is constantly, iteratively self-reflective and this causes a small amount of the universal consciousness to be captured and dissociated from the whole, much as in multiple personality disorder where one conscious personality is isolated from the others. The result is a person's soul, which does something the glob-of-matter-brain cannot do on its own: EXPERIENCE what happens in the brain and body and exert free will (possible due to quantum uncertainty and more).

After death, including after a temporary death (e.g., someone "brought back from the dead" via an EMT's revival efforts or whatever), the soul re-merges with the Universal Consciousness.

What I DON'T see is any method to take one's memories with the soul; without the physical brain, there isn't any mechanism for that in the theory (unless I've missed something).

Of course, that doesn't mean there ISN'T such a mechanism; this is, after all, just a theory and while it seems well supported in a number of ways I don't think of it as any more than a sketch. I like it, though.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0


• Vance

• Elon

• Tucker

• Tulsi

• RFJ Jr.

• etc

When I start thinking of the people Trump has already visibly gathered to his team, I am astonished at the quality of the individuals and the accomplishments they all have. Every one is a HUGE asset and their intelligence and obvious core decency are important components of that.

None are malicious, as so many current Democrats seem to be.

None are stupidly pushing ideas that are harmful and dissonant with reality.

None are shockingly immoral, dishonest, deviant, or blatantly hurtful to others in their personal lives (that I know of). They're not perfect -- no one is -- but they're not twisted or malicious.

I believe this aspect, by itself, is bringing more and more people into the fold. We all want a decent world -- that's actually the core of socialism and communism's appeal, the dishonest promise of MAKING THE WORLD BETTER -- and despite the media's non-stop efforts to demonize Trump and everyone he ever came in contact with, the character of Team Trump is what normal human beings hope to see in society at large: compassionate, constructive, intelligent, honest, brave men and women who are working to actually set things right, not tear things down or to impoverish one group for the benefit of another.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0


I'm using one of his satellites right now!

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting conjecture, and I also believe that the deaths and disabilities from the jabs will continue at higher than normal rates throughout the lives of the jabbed cohorts. Microclots and other damage, even if the number of clots were to stop increasing at some point and the individual clots were to not grow in size, would presumably weaken body systems and increase the odds of some type of failure eventually.

The level of evil here is almost beyond comprehension.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

How pathetic, seeing the tyrant Lula propped up in his Popemobile, riding along an empty road with NO PUBLIC attending but only police, security, and other paid servants to observe his magnificence. Then, the other parade -- the anti-Lula protest parade -- with cheering public, flag waving, and music.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Deaths increase after boosters in some studies -- it might vary by country, by booster number, etc -- but I also believe those who weren't fortunate enough to get saline in even the first round of jabs might be slowly developing micro-clots that will at some point, for many if not most of the victims, result in serious problems or death.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

That sounds a lot like local public officials enabling (participating in) a violent invasion of the United States by military-age foreign nationals. I wonder if that's actually legal . . .

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Swindlers show up in every business category. Supplements THEMSELVES are not a "swindle", the scientific and real-world anecdotal support for their positive effects on health is overwhelming and goes back decades. The censorship and other attempted suppression of Dr. Mercola's businesses and writings by the Medical / Pharma elements of the Cabal are enough to prove to me beyond a reasonable doubt that he's doing good work FOR people's health.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Imagine how differently she'd have been treated if the MSM wasn't owned and controlled by the criminals that her husband has been working since Day One to expose and bring to justice.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

And here's one probable reason why they cause violence in some people: SSRIs ruin many people's lives -- honestly, who WOULDN'T be incredibly upset if, after taking medication prescribed for depression, they were saddled with symptoms like this:


  • SSRI antidepressants could cause 'life-changing' sexual problems experts say
  • 1 in 8 people were prescribed antidepressants in the past year according to stats
  • But they can cause serious side effects like libido drop and numb groin areas
  • Many report they no longer experience sexual or romantic attraction at all

Some patients claim the effects have been more persistent and have continued, or even worsened, years after they stopped taking the drugs. Some have had problems for decades.

The symptoms they describe are strikingly similar. Genital numbness – a total lack of sensation around the groin – and for men, erectile dysfunction. Both men and women experience a condition known as anorgasmia – a difficulty in reaching orgasm, and if they do climax, it is weak or without pleasure. As one woman put it: 'It's like a sneeze.'

Many report they no longer experience sexual or romantic attraction at all, and have been left with an emotional numbness. Most have seen relationships collapse as a result, while others have missed out on the chance to have children. Some have never experienced pleasure during sex – called anhedonia – and worry they never will.

Significantly, all have found their symptoms repeatedly dismissed by medical professionals, who insist they are linked to their underlying depression and not the pills.

Narg 5 points ago +6 / -1

Why, why, WHY do people put targets on their back like this?

At least put the information out FIRST so if you get whacked, it doesn't go with you.

Which as we all know, HAS happened. A lot, probably.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

She looks anorexic.

No, not even close. She looks trim and maybe a little thinner than most soccer-playing girls her age, but anorexics who "die in their sleep from their hearts giving out" look like famine victims: skin right over the bone, joint bones bulging out because there's no meat on the bones, limbs like sticks.


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wife's the same way.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

80+ percent of all humans behave like sheep

I'm not arguing with that.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

But there are, in fact, plenty of females who think for themselves. A smaller percentage, perhaps, but still -- I know a number of them. None have dicks, thank goodness.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Care, don't care: that's up to you.

But Tim is clearly a Marxist tyrant (plenty of evidence and sources for that), and having HIS OWN BROTHER point out that he's dangerous puts that info in the news and gets it in front of millions who might otherwise not hear it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent, intelligent response.

My feeling is that when perpetrated in the heat of the moment (e.g., you just came home and discovered someone in the midst of doing evil to your family members), then revenge is nature's / God's way of empowering a person (or even a dog) to stop on-going assault and to prevent future crimes by the evil-doer.

It's a natural response and one with a positive purpose, which is why juries often see it as a mitigating factor.

Two minutes later, it's another story.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Val Kilmer's Doc Holiday in Tombstone saying "Make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning."


Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Val Kilmer's Doc Holiday in Tombstone saying "Make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning."


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