Natekitt 3 points ago +4 / -1

Just finished it. Yeah he had that bloke tripping on his words. Cruz fed right into their bullshit narrative for the day. What a tool.

Natekitt 2 points ago +2 / -0

You do know it is an actual number that comes right after 16 every time. I come across that number thousands of times a day. It means 17. Not freaking Q every time.

Natekitt -1 points ago +1 / -2

You must not be very good at relationships because mine are built on pure human to human contact. Not politics and all the other crap. We care for each other on a different level. Sure they think I'm crazy. I voice my disapproval of their views. But in the end it doesn't matter because we have put our friendship first.

You should try that. Then when somebody on the interwebs tells you to ditch all your friends who aren't in your group think politically. You could tell them why their comments are stupid. Sure is loving to ditch the relationship completely. Your hole is dug. You can speak your truth.... that you don't have any worth while relationships with those that lean left.

But don't try to tell me you still love them while advocating for isolation from them.

Natekitt -1 points ago +1 / -2

I do not agree. I have plenty of blind leftist friends who are good people... Your just preaching divisive actions. That's exactally what they want. The left and right are the wings of The same bird. Your post is no better than CNN telling their side to ostracize the unvaxxed. That's not what I'm about. I will love my enemy and always be there for them when they finally see the evil in this world.

by gamepwn
Natekitt -1 points ago +2 / -3

I'm pointing out that there was 0 need for the comment. The only reason it was made was to say that the person was better than those that click on the link.

That is virtue signaling just like the left does with everything.

I don't use tik tok. But I don't put those down that do, and i will click on a link to see what people are talking about. So no it isn't. Good try though.

by gamepwn
Natekitt -4 points ago +3 / -7

Thanks for virtue signaling how much better you are than those of us who will click the link... it really helps in the conversation.

Natekitt 5 points ago +6 / -1

Disagree. Cut em all

Natekitt 47 points ago +50 / -3

I just checked both my major theaters near me. Same deal. All movies show up til the 6th. The movie 355 is the only movie showing the 7th and 8th. I used to be an avid movie goer u til a few years ago. I never have seen this happen before.

All movies showing back on the 9th.

I doubt it means anything but def strange.

Natekitt 1 point ago +4 / -3

Don't believe everything you read here. There is 0 proof about any of that crap on Betty White

Natekitt 6 points ago +10 / -4

That dude wrecked you. Lol.

Natekitt 2 points ago +4 / -2

I agree

Natekitt 2 points ago +4 / -2

Totally. When we call everybody a pedo it will end up like them calling us racist. Watered down and non effective.

Natekitt 4 points ago +5 / -1

Take vitamins until you shotgun blast the toilet !

Natekitt 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is no way this post was made to screen shot and use on reddit.

Natekitt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good luck in the future bud. When this is all said and done we will all be accountable for the information we pushed.

Natekitt -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hinestly.... thank you.... It was nice to actually see a comment that I could 100% say was bullshit because I can't say that to 99.9% of any of theories and comments here. I have no idea what is going on... just like everybody else.

But as far as those ships (west coast) .. I was first hand In the know. Feels good for once.

Natekitt -1 points ago +1 / -2

I beleive the truth. I sleep right next to somebody who was part of the team who set up the whole project.

Natekitt 1 point ago +3 / -2

No they were not. That's pure bullshit. You jjust made that shit up and spit it out as fact just like the left.

Natekitt -3 points ago +5 / -8

Thank you. Saying it's 5d chess and he has to say these things is absolutely the most retarded take I've ever heard.

Natekitt 0 points ago +5 / -5

Yes. Great point. People round here can't make up their minds because they are completely sucked into the cult of personality.

Natekitt -1 points ago +2 / -3

Sobering post.... anything is possible. I just can't handle hiw if trump says stuff people like he is speaking the truth. But if he says anything else he is playing chess, and has to say it because it's the lesser of 2 evils. Goalposts keep moving. This is bullshit logic. Straight up, we're in trouble.

Natekitt 2 points ago +4 / -2

I am just glad that the right isn't becoming some sort of strange cult following of a personality. This is def getting weird and I dont tolerate any person who is on board with this vax shit.

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