NeedMoarPillows -3 points ago +4 / -7

That's the dumbest comparison I've ever read.

NeedMoarPillows -2 points ago +6 / -8

So Whitehats had to release a disease to "cure us" from a disease that has a 99.97% survival rate?

If even 1 person dies from Omicron that is blood on their hands since there is no reason to even bother. I personally know a lot of people who went out and got the clot shot this week because Trump is saying to get vaxxed and there is this huge Omicron scare right now. They're pushing death with the fear of death.

Whitehats wouldn't do that.

NeedMoarPillows -3 points ago +1 / -4

This is purkiss's M.O., unverified stuff that instantly gets stickied,

NeedMoarPillows 4 points ago +6 / -2

My neighbor is a nurse who used to be a complete lib, she was double jabbed, but when she was ordered to get a booster she put her foot down. Her hospital ordered everyone without the booster to be fired. They came to her and begged her to get the booster, she said no. They threatened to fire her, she said, Fine. But, they never fired her. They threatened her three times, then just said she could stay.

NeedMoarPillows -1 points ago +1 / -2

I agree, I even find the censorship on this site disturbing. People come in with different ideas and they're instantly banned, they should be allow to have the discussions.

NeedMoarPillows -1 points ago +1 / -2

I was talking to a friend of mine about the clot shot, we're both unvaxxed. He said no one if forcing the shot, you won't go to jail or anything if you aren't vaxxed.

I said, yeah but you'll lose your job.

He said, oh please, it's a hussle economy, go drive uber!


NeedMoarPillows -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yes, let's encourage an actual Australian who is involved with the movement to bugger off ... where are you from?

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +3 / -3

I kind of agree with him, we used to do solid research here and now we're riffing on a decade old TV show that was mysterious and symbolic on purpose and written by a real pedo.


NeedMoarPillows 1 point ago +3 / -2

The final season sucks. Everything just kind of fizzles out and goes nowhere.

I hope this has no connection.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +2 / -2

I'm so happy the sales picked up, I was at the Florida event and it was a pretty small crowd.

NeedMoarPillows -1 points ago +1 / -2

Doesn't matter, they entitled the BS medical industry up until now, it's too late to jump ship like a coward!

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lol, I know. They don't have a clue what it means that the military is preparing.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't think they realize what this actually means.

NeedMoarPillows 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was just at the airport and they had MSNBC on and they had a covid death count on the bottom of the screen the whole time.

NeedMoarPillows 2 points ago +3 / -1

Doctors, nurses, employers, all government workers, teachers, libs. All of them.

NeedMoarPillows 1 point ago +2 / -1

I live on a street with 15 houses, all still have Trump flags out. We take care of each other and help how we can. Every house is an older couple like myself, usually a few adult kids, and an elderly grandparent or two kicking around. It's amazing how alike all the homes are.

Our street alone has seen 25 deaths from this covid lie, I went to every funeral and it was the same every time. Remdesivir, ventilator, death.

NeedMoarPillows 7 points ago +8 / -1

Years before Pizzagate broke I was in DC for work and the guy who ran the DC office of my job was talking up this place we were going for dinner all day. He made it a big surprise and was so happy about it, it was weird.

So at the end of the day we head to eat and it's this stupid little pizza shop in a strip mall near Maryland. He was talking up how good the pizza was so much that I was thinking this had to be amazing. We sit down and the pizza comes out and it was pretty much the quality of pizza you get in High School. Just god awful rubbery cheese, flavorless sauce, and crust so dense you couldn't even eat it.

The whole time he's acting like this is world class pizza. It was so odd I asked him where he was from ... Chicago. This dude grew up eating Chicago pizza and he's reacting like this for this garbage pizza. It was so weird and out of place that when my team went back to the airport we were all discussing how strange it was that this dude was so into that pizza place.

One of my coworkers said it was probably the hipster factor, but this was a 45 year old man who was zero percent hipster. I thought maybe he was into the bookstore next door, but he didn't even read books. It was weird as hell.

Then one day my coworker comes up to me and he has all these printed out sheets of posts from some forum and it's talking about Comet Ping Pong. And it's like a movie scene, my eyes go wide and I'm like WTF that's why this dude was bonkers over that place. I tell my assistant to get the guy on the phone.

She comes back in a few minutes later looking all glum and tells me he died the day before in a car accident. I worked with the guy for 10 years, so I call his wife to give her my condolences and all she's talking about is how weird the car accident was. The police said he basically just swerved into oncoming traffic at 70mph and got hit head on by a semi. So most likely a suicide even though it wasn't ruled that way.

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