I assume they will include Bordain's girlfriend he had at the time he was a witness at the hotel. Her associations are highly, highly questionable.
We know Obama has no artistic sensibility. Look at his official portrait. It is an embarrassment. If you are going to use a bunch of cloning in your original design for a painting at least do it extremely well.
Ugh. Two physically revolting people. I shudder. We already know Diddy will poke absolutely anything.
Why doesn't that "other country" release the list? Because they wouldn't dare. If they can respect the timetable I suppose we ought. The hurdle Trump has to get over is far far greater than we know but anyone can get there, it is him. And no one ever had a better team.
I hope she does not feel invincible......and that she is not playing any games. They will not be tolerated.
Can this be verified?? https://www.instagram.com/p/DGBv0i7TZQy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
look at this, about prop tax cancellation plus refunds for those in Helene https://www.instagram.com/p/DGBv0i7TZQy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
take a look at this. This is what Calif should do, plus using their illegal immigrant assistance money. https://www.instagram.com/p/DGBv0i7TZQy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
And several times a week the options on their website change. Like no ground advantage on the drop down. Then a couple days later it is back on the list. Just weird stuff like they have malware. Very inconvenient for business shipping that is for sure. As far as scheduled pick ups, our very rural office is very good about that though. We sure get some crazy ass deliveries out here, from other shippers, they are terrible. Like leaving two boxes out by the pump house instead of at the house. Totally stoned delivery person. LOL . P.O. is much better.
I have never read his novels. I tried. But a short story collection from long long ago has one that I have never forgotten, I believe the title is "All You'll Ever Need" and it was about a guy who was a spellcaster who collected little things of and from a woman he was obsessed with and kept them as tokens of control of her. Not always something used for something dark, could be protection, but in his case not good. Anyway it was and is conclusive for me about Stephen King's mind. The premise of his book about the pets coming back from the dead is reminiscent of the movie, "Truly, Madly, Deeply" about a guy who came back wrong. It is excellent. Alan Rickman played him
While we are cleaning house at the Pentagon clean out the group with direct and constant contact with certain string pullers from above.
Awesome building! Maybe the renewal of SF can begin. Build back better than before and not some fkg smart city shit.
Buh bye, tranny twat!!!
I am sorry to hear that about your three kids. I was not able to keep 3 grandkids from getting the vaxx. And possibly another, though I begged. Not sure if my pleading made a difference. Such a horrible time. Tired. But now a glorious one that feels like justice will be possible.
I really, really hope so. And in case anyone does not know, Chateau Marmot is the "Standard Hotel" mentioned often.
Money-laundering faucet is getting turned off.
Now investigators will go dig around in the Ukraine. What would they find down rabbit holes? Money trails back out of the Ukraine. Birthing centers where babies are stolen and sold. Chop shops for organ harvesting. Drug and bioweapon labs and payment and shipping records. Dock records for shipping containers full of human beings alive and dead, drug shipments, weapons shipments. All both incoming and outgoing. Brothels and satanic ritual locations which are an interim location for trafficked humans. When no longer usable, they go to the chop shops.
Time to clean out an example of hell on Earth. Sorry Barry O, your pet project is ending.
Prepacked salad mixes already taste like pesticide. The lithium will ad a whole new level of flavor
Extremely pleasant to see this formerly arrogant 60 IQ person taken down.
Amusing that Zelenskyy is so deluded that he thinks he is on equal level with Putin!
God I hope so! We have to be defended against hospitals now
Yup. My fam makes sure they are are not "on the list"
Not that he is a good person, per se, but it is still pitiful how they will Weekend at Bernie's anyone necessary
The Ukrainian flag can represent our desire for the country to survive what our CIA etc brought down upon them. Still too many will not understand how much Russia has to do with that survival. See this article link. I wish every American would see and read it. https://x.com/CovertActionMag/status/1739405672029032613?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1739405672029032613%7Ctwgr%5E7ed11a34ccf4c6128651bbdcf8f72c2b6e0b02f7%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthreadreaderapp.com%2Fthread%2F1895791087144595837.html