Better determine based on the way the man ran his nation and the fact that no one decent is assassinating anyone. That's not justice.
😆 Awwwww. Sorry for the hurt fee-fees, sweetheart. I'm sure "Patriot Front" will still allow you to prance around in your FBI costume, as long as you happen to be judged a physically perfect Arian male specimen. Good luck with your political larping! The rest of America will be chuckling from a distance.
I'm not "confusing" a damn thing. YOU introduced the false paradigm of claiming phony-ass "Patriot Front" is somehow the "right" response to "left" chaos, not me. You're WAAAAY outside the Nolan chart with that extreme Overton shift.
Long story short, you're apparently here to sell "Patriot Front" and I'm never buying any.
"You need to apply and go through selection criteria." We're not gonna be running America that way....ever. Sounds like some Azov trash. "The left" dumbest thing I've heard in days. If you think "the left" is anyone not in a preferred 1% physical category, several hundred million Americans have some very, very bad news for you, left, right AND middle included. "Patriot Front" is a freakin' cartoon.
"Maybe it's better to try and support them anyhow," I haven't seen one single compelling reason to "support" "Patriot Front", no matter how they came to be: not one. In fact, I wouldn't even trust them IF an abundance of back-story was provided. There's just too much of a fishy odor there.
Oh, there are definitely degrees of ass-hat situated between FBI orchestrated and not FBI orchestrated. That would be a false dichotomy. In any case, any group that homogeneous and that silent can have all of my suspicion and zero trust. Those characteristics are evident; no claim or theory is required.
Division has no place here.
Ohhhh, yea, that's a toughie. There are a number of warning signs in "Patriot front" suggesting they probably don't reflect a Q patriot's values. If they aren't Feds, they still seem to be unamerican, fraudulent trash. Of course, they're also staying pretty hush-hush despite these public performances, which further fuels doubt about their intentions and origin.
When I see America, I see the least homogenous group of people in the world. It has always been that way in some regard. When I see "Patriot Front", I see the most physically homogenous group of whatever tf they are; not even neo-Nazis have typically been so physically homogeneous. The homogenous selection of participants is a huge red flag. If they aren't just Feds, they're going to end up being every American's worst enemy, because none of us, even the white ones, are apparently homogeneous enough to be included in that group.
Lol I don't know, man. Are you making a bunch of bad blood with people around the forum? That might be the trouble. It doesn't work like over here. It's a little different.
"...they have their own banner." Good call. Those aren't real American flags; they're some defiled caricature of our national ensign. That sure does fit their theme, too. In fact, I find the fake, defiled flags as off-putting as the homogenous-appearing fake patriots.
Plus, they're breaking flag codes, which is very, very unpatriotic.
"Will" is speculation.
How did you determine that the trip code has been faked before?
If you had previously invalidated a trip code, the same method could be used to validate a trip code today. As a result, there is again no need to offer speculation about a code's validity with no support offered through application of the test you've implied to have been successfully used in the past. There's no value in speculation, especially if there's already a test that can be used to reveal a fact.
What a bunch of satanic assholes trying to make WWIII a thing.
That explains the over-the-top signalling; he isn't respected by his own professional peers. He can't 'go the other way', though, because they'll destroy him. You know there will be everything from blacklisting, to faked "me too" lawsuits if he went the other way. He's cucked.
Someone ask Vader's baby boy to point out any "insurrectionist" who even arrived armed. "Justice" is gonna look mighty suspicious the next time his own comrades force their way into the Capitol building and uniparty doesn't seem to mind. They've done it before. They'll do it again. They were, after all, the terrorists who bombed the place. Apparently, that was ok with the Clintons, since they pardoned the terrorist.
I "suspect" him, along with all of his Hollywood royals. On the other hand, the turd is signalling suspiciously hard, in an environment where he has no freedom to disagree without absolute consequences from the horde.
They're the same soft-pedal shills on [another very popular dot win site]: Nazis? Lincoln Project? Feds? Paid by "Davos Man"? I have no idea, but they go through A LOT of trouble to do their soft-pedal/forum sliding/consensus cracking and such. So much time invested.
It's not like he's going to evaporate. If he wins as an alleged MAGA republican, he'll be held to MAGA standards. If he loses as an alleged MAGA republican, he'll just slide back to the left and their unhinged standards. He might then use his celebrity to win a seat, from which he'll be free to compete for the most outrageous virtue signal award. As MAGA, he would burn his entire career to the ground for trying commie policies. There won't be any going back to the left, at that point. They won't have him. He'll be washed up.
On top of that, it's PA: one of the top 5 worst rigged states. I don't believe PA is currently capable of putting a solid America first candidate in office: Philly and Pittsburgh won't let it happen. I can see why this guy received the endorsement; it's a mitigated loss, more than a win.
The other lady apparently has secrets to discuss. So far, she hasn't been transparent about that criticism. She even became dodgy/political in her response to President Trump's concerns.
You can tell he's going to be a national hero because that beard is gonna look perfect in old oil paintings. 😉
Yep. They need the hate, the cover of the false dichotomy and the publicity.
This blame game stuff is nothing but a publicity stunt to rally victims back into the Fox News portion of the globalist fake news audience.
Also, I'm thinking Chinese loyalists.. Let's see.