It was removed. Did t know it was back..not high a mounts I bet! . You need to be taking at least 1500 in the winter unless you live in sunny climes and expose your body to sun.
It was because the cells were stripped of oxygen...radiation poisoning.
Some of them are sadistic and get off on the cruelty they measure out to vulnerable people. The same going up the ladder
The medical industrial complex is a death cult
Testing should be done before any vaxx as it is known it is dangerous to give vaxx to anyone who doesn't need a vaxx. He knew this and he still got what he knew was a dangerous drug twice where all the animals died? In a pigs ear!!!
Agenda 21 Rockefeller lockstep schwabs raving kissingers boasts etc and their sustainable development..carbon neutral..humans are carbon based....they have been on the internet for years..Malone wasn't saying anything we didn't know.
He knew all the animals in trials died and they tried for years to get the crooked FDA to give them a licence and even they wouldn't do it until they got their chance under an emergency scamdemic
He is facing Nuremberg code violations and he knows it
I read the CIA drugged Smith and looking at Hubbard Scientology and Jack parsons Crowley etc and a great many other cults I see the deep state and tavistock all over them. Same with aliens mediums etc how much is tavistock? More than we realise. They were behind vitamin d being removed from foods and drink and the Rockefeller rise to power.. I hope everyone at tavistock gets to answer for what they have done..the trauma and psychological torture and transgender stuff can be laid at their feet too
You might like to watch Dr Sam white on Odysee session 85 rethinking...what they have discovered is horrifying. He does me tion mRNA and all the dead animals in the much for Malone's total honesty..and now there are 290 vaccine companies scrambling to kill more of us off ...
I hope you watch the coldblooded premeditated murder all these drug companies have been doing..experiments within experiments and each taking part and then another having their experiment. The doses are not the same.
He is a creep and worse.
I have just watched Dr Sam white UK doctor fighting through the courts and got police to start criminal enquiry. He is talking to Dr Heinrich fullmich on Odycee session 85 rethinking on what he is doing and how very few doctors are in the fight etc.
It might console you to know there are people fighting for justice for your loved one.
Have you watched Dr Sam white the English go and his fight. I am listening to a video of him talking with Dr Heinrich fuullmer who is with 1000 international cases bringing tort cases re vaccines and genocide. Dr Sam talks about mRNA and that all the animals died in trials and how all these drug cos are doing experiments within say Pfizer sends out a batch knowing it will kill andcmaim..the dosage is altered as they work out how effective it is. While this is happening moderna and others do nothing..batches are harmless. then next one has a turn. This has been proven. It is pretermined murnder and so there is no immunity . Also 90pc of deaths not reported.
Its on Odysee Dr Sam White session 85 rethinking Reiner fuellmich Please send out to others. It's horrific and there are over 290 vaccines getting ready to jump on the gravy train. It has to end now.
Then they will run into trouble. Horus MIthras and Jesus have identical stories dates and no doubt there are more than these three. Mohammad story is also Smith's story Mormons and no doubt others...Budda I haven't researched in that way..but I am aware that these are stories told so certain messages are absorbed into our minds. They used to use astrological signs and stars to tell the same tales. Humans are storytellers and we weave our lives around stories. All the world is a stage and we strut our stuff and exit stage left type of thing!
Mankind will never pour into the molds that these idiots try to put us in..same with their medicines..everyone should have the same blood pressure readings etc etc. I love how we fight to be free and be humourous at the same time. It cant be chained for long. All countries fight for freedom and win through.
Did you know the Catholic church banned Gregorian chanting in churches as they have very specific healing qualities
Just watched it. Thank you for that. Makes total sense.
I definitely think the BBC personnel and all news people everywhere should be tried as if they were plunging the shots in people. If anything more so...without them all the stuff that has happened would not have done. I can't bear their smug faces and don't watch TV now.
He has to have known there are no isolated virus and therefore a scam. He knows all mRNA trials ended up in animals dying..think it was his talk of getting informed consent is a total lie. I haven't listened to it all..he creeps me you you believe he got two shots of moderna with what he had to have known?..
Sorry about the mistakes..I forgot to check. Don't like talking about all that. Do you think you will report to the police?
You need to report this to the police invuk. Ctherecis now a criminal investigation into deaths and injuries from jabs. A Dr Sam white made the criminal complaint. An autopsy would determine the truth which is why they were banned VP it some insisted and gorptvone.
I know how you feel..I tried fighting but the coroner the TMC NHS doctors are working for the cpdrug companies as is Mhra and the courts.
They know poor vitamin d levels are responsible for people ending up in hospital .. symptoms same as non existent covid. You need a test to determine your level and then large amounts to get up to 90 Ng. If you have been sick your level will be about 15 unless you're in the sun five hours a day with most of your body uncovered you are not getting vitamin d from the sun to reach a good level. Hospitals have provided this info.
Trying to listen to Rogan/Malone deep state interview.
Malone is a creep.imo..talking someone he was with ..walked away with the hiv virus in his pocket.... on all the covid committees friends with fauci buddy buddy with so many names he dropped. The two he trashed were known and had to step down....sounds as if he has ebola as well as Zika bioweapons but they won't have viruses in them. of course no matter how much bragging about his high positions and status he is careful to tell you about... Him praising ivermectin and hydroxy a sales pitch to tell you about his new product he is pushing
I know the deep state is sacrificing a few pawns to keep the virus scan going and the fear but picking this bragging idiot isn't going to help.
How did a carpenter and then a drop out get so high?
I will listen to more TMRW but it's hard work.. knew nothing of Joe Rogan prior to this but his lack of questions on vital why would he get a moderns jab twice when he said he already had ..covid and had immunity. and professor dolores cahills ststement that if someone forcibly jabbed her with an mRNA jab she would sue for attempted murder and was in the same field as him for twenty years and has acpagebof credentials. and he more than anyone knew it t was only his immune system fighting toxins. A complete liar.
No I was talking about tartaria not tarsus. Tartaria documentaries ..very interesting
Can't a committee be formed to get people to report every death and injury to be used in any trials or murder cases
It's up to us to educate people about the scam..the con...and disobey and never comply with mask wearing etc
Ben fulford geopolitical news last week said six previous prime minister's UK will be executed ...he's on the list..but I think it'd all CGI and he was dealt with military tribunal years ago. UK government corporation went bankrupt June 2018 so Queenie if she was alive would have been dethoned along with house of lords MPs and pm under maritime admiralty law which ended then too. Boris is not original's all a movie.
The Lancet is Rockefeller funded and has lied about many things and publish science articles they know are written by the drug companies themselves and a bung to a professor to put his name to it. They have never isolated a virus. It's not possible
Very good well researched post. Thank you. However Imo it won't be paradise if parasites were removed although it is vastly important as you point out
I was going to buy black walnut serum but they were unable to confirm it would remove heart worms etc.
Don't panic..lots of food and drink rid the body of normal parasites. Garlic coffee black seed oil papaya seeds..loads of stuff. Google