OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

He sounded like Wayne from Wayne's World when he was trying to make it sound like the intercom was cutting out when he was ordering food in the drive thru, only it was actually his brain cutting out.

OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never thought I'd see local rapper Mr. Nice Guy get mentioned on GW

He's a friend of friends on FB, saw that rooster Pride Boy tat, wondered if it glowed in the dark, though

OutThereSomewhere 8 points ago +8 / -0

They worry too much. I mean, how can we take on the government if we don't have f15s right?

OutThereSomewhere 12 points ago +13 / -1

"Can we see the technology you used to get to the Moon?" "It was destroyed and we lost it forever, and have never been able to replicate it."

In my experience this is the only time we have ever lost technology like that. Obviously societies fall and their tech is lost, but this is the same society with about a 40 year gap in using it and it being completely gone. Can''t bring it back, either? Everything else is advancing, but we just cant RE-figure out how we got to the Moon?

OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fauci gets the benefit of "changing science" by Libs for his missteps Birx, too They openly admitted lying to Trump and feeding him false info But Trump should have known better? Puh-leaze.

And besides, any country that rejected the shots had their leader offed and replaced with a big pharma sympathizer so to suggest that Trump somehow was not coerced in some way is sort of ridiculous too when you examine reality.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I lived in the Chicago suburbs while Obama was President, there were a couple instances where the Presidential motorcade actually pulled guns on people, popping out of sunroofs on black SUVs on the tollway for getting too close to them.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aren't maple leafs .9999 and Eagles are just .999 pure silver right?

I think I remember that because you can use the maple leafs to make colloidal silver yourself.

OutThereSomewhere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nah more like a Zuckerberg redux in progress

OutThereSomewhere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please provide insight into what you see. I find this information valuable. Any patterns or what specifically stands out as alarming to you. If it's several things what is at the top of the list?

OutThereSomewhere 8 points ago +8 / -0

Some people come home from work and participate in a "daily post-work alcohol ritual", but when you don't frame it as negative because society agrees with us being alcohol-addled but not feeling good off a plant they can't patent, the do-gooders in society have the fuel they need to tell you you're wrong wrong wrong for not following along and drinking like everyone else you contrarian pothead you LOL

OutThereSomewhere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember in the 90s it was a cliche joke when someone got into an odd situation they say something along the lines of "It's gotta be something in the water", the all of the sudden you quit hearing that joke at all, and antidepressants and agricultural and manufacturing chemicals started turning up in tests.

OutThereSomewhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came here to say that's definitely a seagull!

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is how Terence McKenna describes the forward movement of history when he explains Time Wave Zero. Historical cycles repeating in differing and concurrent patterns as existence itself builds upon ever increasing levels of complexity in which time moves faster as we approach the end and cycles like you describe begin and conclude far more quickly than previously.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to say no, but dealing with my NPC in-laws, they can't even remember that people used to naturally get sick. Told my wife that vaccines are intended to "lessen symptoms" but had no answer when my wife retorted with the question "How does a disease get eradicated through vaccination if the vaccinations ultimate goal isn't to prevent the disease but just to lessen the severity of symptoms?"

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

I never knew that quinine glowed under a black light until recently. Pretty cool.

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe it's because the war you're seeing play out is all on the screen only, just like in Wargames, and we're all like Falken, sure it's an image, and everyone else is like McKitrick ready to make permanent real-life decisions based on the illusion.

OutThereSomewhere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Boy if I had a nickel for each time I've said this

OutThereSomewhere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh so if you activate the hoodlums in these cities to the point where everything is locked up its just a matter of changing the doors to only open for "compliant" people once all of the doors are set up.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some lefties made those memes, I'm being serious. They have a specifically shitty way of constructing them I have come to recognize.It's based in the fact that the subtlety that we usually put in them is usually missed by them completely and they just outright say shit instead of displaying any sort of cleverness in their delivery. No creativity. "I love being white", "we are the future" sound like they come directly from the mind of someone who follows lefty call to actions that are usually stark and uncreative like these memes are.

OutThereSomewhere 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read something before that said that weather modification has been in use since the late 1800's and I found it odd that that's around the same time we started taking "official" weather records.

OutThereSomewhere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Setting themselves up to literally end Lolla the same way it did the first time: In flames.

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