Patriot_Lettuce 0 points ago +1 / -1

This will explain it all to you:


I know it's the Q .win community, but these fuckers have some top tier info as well.

Patriot_Lettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not British! How dare you! I'm a proud Texan! Why should those British cunts be the only ones who can use the word cunt, huh?!! It's such a versatile word, like fuck or shit!


Anyways, the problem with Q posts is that they require research to give them context and meaning. For people who have already and have that in their memory, reading through Q posts is much more "profitable" than for someone who hasn't researched them. Q asks questions a lot, reading a question isn't beneficial without the research to answer it. I'm new here, and so are a lot of people. This is one of the biggest problems with you older Q people, telling people to "just read through the posts". You need to understand where you're coming from and where others are coming from.

Patriot_Lettuce 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm dyslexic and a very slow reader. Literally tires me out to read just a little.

Ironically I am a programmer, and I can read code all day long, as long as I'm the one who wrote it.

Hence why I am asking for people's feedback and input. Don't be a cunt.

Patriot_Lettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, is DDS the next target on the menu, to fuck these wall street cunts over harder and harder?

I'm pumped up now!

Patriot_Lettuce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh wow! I never knew about that 8 digit link! Thanks!

Patriot_Lettuce 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you a minority and/or a protected class?

If so, you're hired!

Patriot_Lettuce 8 points ago +8 / -0

So, NSA are good, according to Q? After 2020, it feels like every 3 letter agency is evil, corrupt, and against the people. It would be nice to know there was at least 1 that had good guys.

by BQnita
Patriot_Lettuce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disclaimer: I'm new to Q and I still haven't read all the posts, although I've read a lot of them, I haven't understood them, so reading them isn't of much value without understanding, but I try.

Anyways, I've been thinking about something a lot today....

Okay, it's one thing to arrest all these bad people in positions of power, but the system that benefits them that they built will still exist, and at least a few will get away, and in time, maybe 100, 200, or even 300 years, they'll be back.

I think what the real end goal is, is to destroy this evil ideology, and ingrain in the people of Earth to be vigilant to never let it happen ever again. To truly stamp out this evil secret society of people, who infiltrate and corrupt governments, and work towards their ultimate goal of enslaving all the people of Earth in a sort of Neo-Feudalism (The Great Reset).

That's why this has to be a "movie" or spectacle in which the people feel the fear and weight of the idea of how close they got to living in slavery to these people in perpetuity. It needs to be ingrained in the people of the world to never let this happen again for generations to come. To always be suspicious of talking heads, authoritative figures and "authoritative" scientific studies. Like a lesson being taught to the people of Earth.

If they "have it all" already on all these people, and the goal was to arrest and punish them, then Q and the military would've already done it. Trump needed to lose, as it's part of the "show" that we are all a part of as well. We the audience(and participants) need to feel and understand how bad it would be to live under Neo-Feudalistic serfdom (WEC quote: You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you'll be happy.")

At least I sure hope so, and given how the shit show with Biden has gone so far, I really really hope you Q people are right about the plan, cuz at this point, I don't see another way out.... Given how hopeless things seem, and how 'The Plan' seems like the only way out, and how optimistic Trump seemed, and "The best is yet to come." that he said.... Idk, maybe you guys are right.... I sure hope so!

Patriot_Lettuce 19 points ago +19 / -0

I'm still new to this whole Q thing. I haven't read all the posts. They're so cryptic, and I don't have 3 years to slowly be fed the drops and research them all.

But I read the stuff on Snowden, and I never thought about him not being a good guys. It's super suspicious that the mainstream media and even Hollywood portray him as a hero, which is a huge red flag I never even noticed....

by BQnita
Patriot_Lettuce 5 points ago +5 / -0

Day one red pill was when Biden canceled a pipeline which was meant to transport oil in a safer way and with less CO2 emissions. Also destroying 78,000 jobs. Hurting "climate change" and the economy.

The REEEEEE-ing from Biden voters is literal music to my earsl. I don't care if that means I'm a bad person. KEK

Patriot_Lettuce 15 points ago +15 / -0

After we all learned that every federal law enforcement agency is not only not for the people, but actively working against the people & constitutional right.... It seems like the last hope for us is the military and military intelligence having some good people that aren't gonna let Biden turn this country over to china or a fucking Great Reset New World Order.

Right now the FBI is going after grandma sue waving a flag in the capitol building as a domestic terrorist, and sipped coffee while they watch antifa and blm burn down the country last year.

The surveillance and censorship is so bad right now, I feel like they're watching us if they even suspect we may be pro-constitution, pro bill of rights patriots.

Never thought I'd live to see this day, and how quickly everything got to this point. Some days I feel like a deer in the headlights.

Before all this I chose not to watch news, for almost the last decade, but 2020taught me that I need to be politically active from now on, if I want to live in a self-governed country. Silver lining I suppose, if it's not already too late.

Patriot_Lettuce 4 points ago +4 / -0

They're the same picture. No difference

Patriot_Lettuce 6 points ago +6 / -0

How da fuq can anyone hate the pillow dude?!!!

Fucking hell!

Patriot_Lettuce 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just watched OPs video....

Dude... fuck.... really?!..... I mean, the system this guy is laying out sure is making a whole lot of sense.... I mean, why can a government take children away from parents? Cuz they already owned them!

Fuck me! I might watch that war-castle shit later. Tell me, wtf is it about though.

Patriot_Lettuce 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you want to live in a self-governing constitutional democratic republic, then you have to be involved politically.

I too used to chose to be uninformed, rather than misinformed, for years until 2020. Now I realize that I cannot do that, or evil people will take over. I used to believe that if evil people got into public office, that the constitution is the final fail safe to protect me, but that was an ignorant opinion to have.

Lessons learned the hard way.

You either get to live in not-so-blissful ignorance under tyranny and you become politically active in a self-governed society.

I know it sucks, and require time and energy, but you have to do it buddy, or you get the shit show sitting in DC right now.

Patriot_Lettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay, there is an Air Force base in Tampa, near where the plane's travel path begins, but, uhhh, how do I say this... The plane's travel path begins in a bayou (Placido Bayou Reserves) with no airport/runway....

I thought, maybe that's just where they turned on their transponder after takeoff, but I don't see a runway that aligns with that (In the same direction of travel, so to the west of the starting point), and it would've been at 500 ft or lower, soooo.... I'm pretty confused

Also, the plane did a hard right turn over very little ground covered, zoom in, that should be physically impossible for a plane of that size. A fighter jet would struggle to do a hard right turn like that, and I don't even know if a fighter jet could do that without the aerodynamic stresses tearing it to pieces.

Dunno what the fuck that means, or how it's even possible, maybe you Q people can tell me?

Patriot_Lettuce 101 points ago +102 / -1

I'd rather live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland than a commie authoritarian dystopia.

I'd rather worry about roving gangs of cannibal bandits, than an authoritarian surveillance state that can never be overthrown, and therefore can do whatever they want. At least I'd be free.

Patriot_Lettuce 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why I'm not exclusively on Patriots.Win, and I lurk here too.

I would miss some top tier shit posting!


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