deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
Patriot_Pride 0 points ago +1 / -1

Shit, if it's just your gallbladder then just sack up and get through it. It only helps you to digest fat. As long as your kidneys are healthy (you have 2) you'll be fine with or without a working gallbladder.

I've been in need of a liver transplant since 2019 but have been putting it off until I can find a non-woke doc.

We can't give up on owning the libs just because our internal organs are giving us trouble! MAN UP!

Patriot_Pride 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is getting more confusing. Is Sleepy Joe actually a white hat? Is this all a part of the movie? Are the Trump indictments just a false flag and Dark Brandon and Trump are working together? https://twitter.com/PunishDem1776/status/1688650967460257792

Patriot_Pride 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm just curious of this: If this was filmed in 2018 why would Trump not allow it to be released? Why did it take until now? I've heard several people who seem to be 'in the know' saying its because of Trump's ties to Epstein and that it was Trump who helped him fake his death. Any truth to this?

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm just curious of this. If this was filmed in 2018 why would Trump not allow it to be released? Why did it take until now? I've heard several people who seem to be 'in the know' saying its because of Trump's ties to Epstein and that it was Trump who helped him fake his death. Any truth to this?

Patriot_Pride 0 points ago +1 / -1

JC...I wasn't expecting to see so many Hitler apologists here but I suppose I'm not surprised...sad

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I was here to say this. This complete post is BS nonsense. Also, nobody referred to "Palestine" that way in the 18th century

Patriot_Pride 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are we surprised? This has been obvious for decades. Any household-name-host (Hannity, Carlson, Lemon, Cooper, O'Reilly, Beck, Shepard, Maddow, even down to the less destructive Stephen A Smith, Skip Bayless, Jim Rome) are just personalities. They aren't interested in reporting factual news/sports. They do and say what gets them viewers (which in return gets them advertising dollars). None actually believe 90% of the BS they are peddling to the masses. The sad part is how many Americans on both the left and right believe and hang on every word these assholes spew.

Please, for the love of God, stop getting your news from 'personalities'. Trust actual journalism. If you want real fair and balanced news start with outlets like AP News, Reuters, and BBC to name a few.

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is this surprising? We've all known CNN's, MSNBC's, and especially Fox's personalities are just that, personalities. They are playing a role and don't believe 90% of the BS they put out. It would be the same as giving Bruce Willis a purple heart because he saved the world in the movie Armageddon. These are just actors!

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's hilarious you think McCarthy will keep his word to any of the hold out republicans who negotiated with him 😂😂😂😂

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn't an endorsement of Obama in any way but Obama didn't tell even a fraction of the lies this clown has.

This is what I've kept track of, I'm sure I'm missing several more:

  • Claimed he had a bachelors from Brooke College and a Masters from NYU - Never attended either

  • Said he worked for Goldman Sachs and Citi Group as an AM. Not only has he never worked at either of those companies, he doesn't even have the license to do so

  • Said he owned 13 residential & commercial properties. He does not now nor has he ever owned ANY property.

  • Claimed his Jewish family escaped the Nazi's by fleeing Ukraine. They are from Brazil and are not Jewish.

  • Claimed to be half black

  • Said he has been openly gay for 10 years but at the time he said that he had been married to a woman for 7 of those years

  • Claimed he lost 4 employees in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Miami

  • Claimed to live in an address in the district he was elected in then when called out on it said "No, wait. I lived with my sister is what I meant"

  • Claimed to have no criminal record but then admitted to stealing a checkbook and going on a shopping spree in Brazil back in 2008

  • Not only does he not own any property but he wrote a bad check to a landlord and got a $12,000 judgement against him in NY

  • Claimed his mother died in 9/11 and also claimed his mother died of 9/11 cancer in 2016. The reality is that not only did she not die in 9/11 but had no ties to 9/11, the cleanup, or anything that could possibly link her death to it

  • Claimed to have a on-profit charity for animals yet no such organization can be found in any national database

  • In 2020 he claimed to have a salary of $55K and a negative net worth yet in 2022 he claimed a $700K salary, dividends worth between &1-5M, and a net worth of as much a $11.5M.

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

You as well. Have a great new year

Patriot_Pride 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha. It's interesting to say the least. Can't wait to revisit this and discuss whatever the final decision is. I agree with you that no government is better than a government that keeps digging the hole deeper.

Patriot_Pride 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. He voted Trump there but did not on the following 2. On the latest vote (the 9th) Jeffries got 212, McCarthy got 200, Donalds got 17, Hern got 3, and 1 voted present.

Patriot_Pride 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess that just depends on how you're looking at it.

I believe McCarthy is inevitable. Lets see if I'm right.

Patriot_Pride 0 points ago +0 / -0

I'm not saying it's not fair and not cordial. I'm saying there are just as many 'Only McCarthy's' as there are 'Never McCarthys' and for that reason 201 is closer than 20.

If you want to put money on it I'll send you my Venmo

Patriot_Pride 0 points ago +0 / -0

201 is a hell of a lot closer to 218 then 20 is

Patriot_Pride 0 points ago +2 / -2

you can down vote me all you want but tell me how I'm wrong? The 20 who are holding out will eventually peel off based on pressure they get from the rest of the republican party and the right wing media. Look at how Boebert was crucified by Hannity last night for what they are doing. Eventually they will be forced to either vote McCarthy or vote present.

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