6 o clock can be deadly..
Creeds first album is great too.
Well played ????
Hope you enjoy it! Thank you and God Bless! Justice for JFK ??
Supreme Court said take it to the States, they never saw evidence just said take it up with the states. Now that they are and the DOJ is getting involved, Bidan and the DOJ are in violation of the 10th amendment.
That is fine and I don’t blame you for being that way. I will consider this before signing up myself. You are right I should dig more on them first. I just got excited after reading about what they are all about.
Noah? Floods? Hunt for Red October? This movie is getting good.
Aww yes I remember this video, isn’t this song about getting stoned and watching Ren and Stimpy? Haha
God Bless that man, he is the Spirit of America that you can’t “cook” and splatter on a wall. Evil runs from this man because his spirit is infectious! Evil doesn’t stand a chance anymore he is awake. ?
Totally on purpose, nice catch! ? it was at 18 so I goofed off for a few minutes and snapped it haha
Lol ? no doubt about that. Punisher incoming! Praying for our President and the Military. We need to be a Nation Under God again. Law and Order not Tyranny and Chaos ?
I can confirm this I live in Gilbert and there were sirens for an hour straight and heli’s everywhere.
I love your Cyber Ninja Pepe!!
I’m proud to be from Arizona and currently living in Maricopa County. They tried everything they could do, people moving from California here in droves etc..Arizona is ready to have a huge MAGA rally after we prove it was rigged here! To all the Zucks and Jacks who had to pay people to vote for Joey Bribes ??Arizona is a Red State.
Like when they cleaned up Hamsterdam in the Wire. Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun Dun-Dun-Dun Dunnnnnn! ??????????????
I keep telling her that won’t erase the emails.. you can’t just type that in and all your problems go away Hillary.. It just doesn’t work like that.
How about Trump’s Son in Law, Jared Kushner that would be a Shocker! ?
“The hair on my legs turns blonde in the Sun, Climate Crisis folks! Come on Man!”
We dig for truth, they dig for Cow Patties. Liars Liars Liars. It’s like Officer Brandon Tatum said on a recent BBC interview, the reason nothing ever gets done (political) is because they lie.
They don’t care about life and human beings (CCP)
He doesn’t have Authority was the main line I took away ??that will drive them nuts, send!
Lebrun is a pedo just like the rest of them and he will be exposed.
Yes I did and I am fine with that because I can literally picture Mike Lindell personally sending out these texts. He is working so hard for us. He has the spirit of God in him. Fearless and will not be broken.
I think The Insane Clown Posse would like a word with you about Magnets.. I was given a magnet to try it out. It didn’t work.