That is a simple, powerful way to put it, and yes, it is shocking coming from an insider. Dr. Zelenko has at the bottom of his protocol instructions for other doctors: "TRY TO KEEP THE PATIENT OUT OF THE HOSPITAL". They deny early care, deny effective drugs such as IVM. They push Remdesavir and the ventilator. They are death camps. The more deaths, the more public fear, the more manufactured justification for government control over every aspect of our lives.
I think the reason Lugol's is recommended for systemic use is that it is a mixture of Iodine and Iodide. Lugol experimented and found that some parts of the body work better with different forms of the element. The thyroid, for instance, needs iodide IIRC. So Lugol's will do the most general good. But for spot disinfectant usage, the povidone is more powerful. Generally the povidone is 3x more concentrated than the Lugol's though, so be careful about dosing. With me, my thyroid tells me when I'm going too fast.
I've had alpha(?), delta, and now omicron. The last two were very close together. So the immunity I've gained doesn't seem to be too general. But I have lyme and coinfections, and that's probably an impediment. But IAC, I'm doing great and really kicking this thing to the curb. I'm covering my bases regarding basic treatment and nutrition, but the real strength is my faith, and knowing the authority of the believer.
May I suggest not giving gargle the business:
Great post. I'm much older than you, and also have chronic Lyme, and I beat Covid twice now. I nebulize peroxide, but at a much higher concentration than you. I add salt to it, as Mercola directs. The salt alone is highly valuable, I believe. I also add iodine to it - povidone if I want purely local effects; lugol's if I want systemic effects.
Omicron appears to be mild and highly transmissible. As such it is a golden invitation for the human race to achieve herd immunity the natural way, and relegate Covid to the ranks of seasonal flu. We need only let it run it course and treat it when it strikes, while protecting the vulnerable.
But there's no money or control in that, so they'll perform gene manipulation on everyone, weakening their immunity so that they'll be dependent on more genetic manipulation in order to cope with the new viruses they create in the lab.
I agree with you. But bear in mind that while it would be nice, we don't need the whole country to rise up, and while we should work for it, we shouldn't be waiting on it. The American Revolution had the support of only 1/3 of the colonists. Another third were Loyalists. The remainder didn't care. It was a very tough slog, and undoubtedly it would have been easier had more people supported liberty, but in the end the cause prevailed despite the odds..
And no doubt, to honor her Iran would name its first nuclear missile, built with those funds, "Covid-19", and its second, "Diane Feinstein"