As someone who was not pay attention to all this back in 2012/2013, my own knowledge is somewhat limited.
I do believe the State Department holds great sway on what the news media reports. (Look at the recent Tucker clip saying the media disnt report Obama as gay, just to keep their access, as an example) I do not, for one second believe, no funds have been spent to influence the American public
I also look to Q post #4008 and the "U.S. Government Counterinsurgency Guide" which lists propaganda as
"a key element of persuasion and is used at the local, national and often international levels to influence perceptions of potential supporters, opinion leaders, and opponents in the favor of the insurgents; promoting the insurgent cause and diminishing the government’s resolve"
Can't believe they wouldn't turn this on the America. The media lies everyday and has only gotten worse the past decade
“I don’t know if they’re going to have to cut down the whole tree; if they do cut down the whole tree, that’s just going to be more room for my kids to hit baseballs in. So in some respects, even though the tree was nice, we’ll make do and be quite alright.”
Does that tree look like it could be saved? 😞 This is definitely not a bright one.
Do we really think he plays baseball with his kids? More importantly, care he now has more room, when Florida is getting hit? 😒
It wasn't an EO. He signed it into law. H.R. 4310, Jan 2, 2013
"said it allowed the material produced by the State Department and the Pentagon to strike the ban that had been in place on domestic dissemination of propaganda. In layman’s terms the news media/government can broadcast propaganda to the American people as they please."
One would think it would be cheaper, but honestly I dont think thats what they want. My thought went to a bunch of kids being put in cars with strangers. There is no way they know all is going to be picking these kids up.
Try this one
Cutting off the parts, along with the gas, would be the way to force people to electric. Many don't realize all these little things are happening. My mind went to them producing the whole machine, not the individual parts. So, thank you for the outlook. A solar generator for backup, using battery operated may be the way to go, as you said, in places where it makes sense.
Thanks for sharing the link. Had no idea Husqvarna had done that.
I understood exactly what you meant. I started following Q within days of the beginning. 4Chan, 8Chan, back to 4Chan, 8Kun. Never had been on most of these sites before it. Ive seen it all. I am not saying there may never have came a time when it may have been temporarily compromised with all the moving around, but I do not believe it was allowed to continue as such. So you believe these great Q people came out and told the public things, got comprised, and gave up? No way!
"Not for the faint of heart..." What are you even meaning by that? I dont get it. How is a random screen grab suppose to be that shocking? If, THAT, is what causes someone to clutch their pearls and deny all that has been shown, they were never really true to begin with. I find this post laughable
Your wish came true. Its at 191.8 million