Porcupine 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes! We try to teach our kids to think critically.

Porcupine 14 points ago +14 / -0

Kids have access to the world of everything on the internet.

Politics get discussed on the playground. In 4th grade my son would come home asking about Trump because some Commiefornia kids were calling Trump a Cheeto.

My 14 year old daughter is pretty fucking based. Yes, she hears all our conversations but we ask her about school and politics. She has a lot to say with her own thoughts and opinions. Not all of them are even things we’ve discussed.

Both my kids, 14 and 12, know Joe is a pedo. We asked them how they know this. Their reply? YouTube and discord.

With how polarized our country is right now, there is no way it’s not going to seep into every aspect of our lives.

Porcupine 13 points ago +13 / -0

Grandpa’s little helper.

Porcupine 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m curious about the cruise lines that require you to be vaccinated to cruise on their ships leaving out of Florida.

They say they get around the fine because they don’t “ask” to see your vaxx passport. You have to show it willingly when checking in. If you don’t provide your vaxx papers, you are then required to have multiple tests throughout the cruise and can’t participate in many onboard activities or shore excursions.

That’s a pretty shitty loophole if you ask me, and it needs to be fixed.

by Quelle
Porcupine 11 points ago +11 / -0

My husband and I have been discussing the thought on humans not getting regular anti-parasitic meds when all the while we deworm our animals.

I really think it is a larger conspiracy directly related to big pharma. If parasites and worms can cause numerous, mysterious issues and illnesses, big pharma comes to the rescue with a new drug for your skin condition, or fatigue, or bloating, ad nauseam.

My mother in law recently mentioned to me that her mother used to give all her kids some meds every so often for worms. I guarantee she wasn’t the only mom in the 50’s doing this. So when did this stop? And why?

Porcupine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right? I mean, what’s wrong with me? 🤣

Porcupine 8 points ago +9 / -1

I quit 95% of processed foods a few years ago. Fresh veggies and organic meats as best I can. I tell you what, a lot of my health issues subsided.

My next step is going to farmers markets and local butchers and farms for everything.

I truly believe the USDA and the FDA do not care about Americans, only the money they can make for themselves and their cronies. Make us sicker with processed food so we need to get pills from Big Pharma to fix it.

Porcupine 17 points ago +17 / -0

It is a copy/paste propaganda. A friend posted the exact same, word for word, today.

Porcupine 3 points ago +3 / -0

A friend of mine posted the same thing.

My point to her is that needing a vaxx to go dancing, shopping, etc. is tyranny, not freedom.

Porcupine 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m hesitant to trust his true motives as well. And it also saddens me that we are so cynical that when something (possibly) good comes our way, we doubt intentions. Unfortunately, it’s the world we live in.

Porcupine 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope this guy is for real, because we do need guys like him on our side. I’m hopeful but skeptical, until proven otherwise.

Porcupine 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, people are nosy!

I was at lunch the other day talking about the state of everything right now with my based friend, when I overheard a woman talking with a server about masks. What did I do? I shushed my friend, and listened more to what she was saying. She was sharing her feelings on the stupidity of masks.

I know it’s not polite to eavesdrop, but sometimes it’s sooooo good to know you’re not alone in this crazy world.

So to your point, yes, raise your voice a little. You never know who needs to hear what you have to say.

Porcupine 10 points ago +10 / -0

We told our kids the same, for the most part. I reminded them that the only time they get a shot is with me present and with my consent. If it happens at school, kick, scream, whatever it takes and get TF off the campus and call me.

Porcupine 3 points ago +3 / -0

They find this every year in Yosemite and Tahoe. And every year they write about it like it doesn’t happen every year. Nothing new.

Porcupine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good for your mom!

My mom is 81 with a large number of co-morbidities. She was pressured into getting the vaxx by my sister, whom she lives with. However, my mom is absolutely refusing any booster shots. My mom has always been based and wishes she wasn’t put first in line to get it initially.

Porcupine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Straight oregano oil is HOT. Be careful with that. It works but can burn.

Porcupine 10 points ago +10 / -0

Paper ballots. In person only. With Voter ID.

Porcupine 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are scheduled to cruise out of Florida for Christmas and New Year’s. We are waiting til September to cancel because we are waiting to see what they do. Like you, we are not getting the jab.

We most likely won’t be going unless all events and venues are open for all vaxxed and unvaxxed, no masks required anywhere and no extra costs associated with being unvaxxed.

My question is if they are not requiring proof of vax, does that automatically put you in the unvaxxed category? But isn’t that still requiring proof for fair treatment?

Porcupine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also there are also serious restrictions for the unvaxxed.

Porcupine 33 points ago +33 / -0

They’ve been doing this for ages. When the snow pack melts in the Sierras, they just let most of the water run into the ocean. The snow pack is how California gets most of its water.

Then they say it’s a drought and that residents have to ration how much water they use. Agriculture takes up 97% of the state’s water supply, not residents, so it doesn’t do a thing to help. Unfortunately, there’s not much to do about rationing water for ag, unless you want to cause a food shortage and inflate food prices.

I’m a born and raised Californian who got the hell out of there. I watched it all happen. Every. Single. Year.

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