This time it should be a warm cow pie.
Rise Up And Take A Bow!/sarc
THIRTY TIMES TO EPSTEIN ISLAND and Then you have the unmitigated gall to call your relationship with Epstein into question?! If I were the judge, the book would be thrown at him.
i know several that would be !
Agreed! As much as I'd like to see Sen. Rand Paul be the senior senator of KY, not until the governor is a Republican or a Libertarian do I want Mitch out.
Purrsonal Favorite comment of thread.
This ^ my friends, is Providence At Work! Providence- Michael W. Smith
too many!
What I thought was simply awesome is that many joined in, in well sung harmony!
The two most cheering words in the English language! (At least in regards to government)
That's good!
I identify with this statement.
this helps me too:
Blessed Be Your Name:
I would...It reminds me to trust even in pain:
Blessed Be Your Name: Tree 63
I concur. We Need The Sons OF Liberty Back!
OOH, A Daniel Reference To Messiah Cut Off!
Amen To the rest of this, as well:
(and one of my favorites, Petra, Thankful Heart:
Thank you! I needed that today. (both in a little pain, and discouraged)\
So would I:
That would be dangerously ironic!
Remy - Isn't It Ironic (Government Version)