PresElectDeezNuts 6 points ago +6 / -0

and all of the middle east. our 3 letter soy-boi agencies have destroyed these nations. nationless, revenge hungry youth was the goal to help usher in the NWO.

by Ole1212
PresElectDeezNuts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Deep state putting out a hit on Andrew Tate. Why now, and what is this a distraction from?

Distraction from Epstein’s client list for starters. Jan 6 dropping arrest for trump. Brunson case.

Seems this is a move to get George Tekai’s panties all bunched up.

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Strong strategy! Excellent work.

We walk around our community and put informational printouts in those free newsprint publications, on bulletin boards, and telephone poles a few times a week.

my spouse protests on the corner with a group 3 days a week and we attend various lunches weekly with like minded people to offer support and encouragement.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

12 sessions with a guidance counselor and a stuffed comfort animal.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

They did not. but you had to declare, vaxxed, unvaxxed, or decline to report. if you declined, or said unvaxxed, you had a different testing protocol if you were required to go into the office. and masks were mandatory.

i told my boss i didn’t want to test or mask. he said testing was self reporting so nobody would know if you actually tested or not. but masking would be mandatory. i was given permission to continue to WFH.

it evolved. new guidance was to be voluntary masking. But we had to “test” and self report health status via an app. regardless of vaxx status. i think they are beta testing health passports.

i use to think they did they best they could, given the circumstances. but they had enough clout to stand up for “human rights”. allegedly that is a huge cultural value. abortion access got the land whales marching, but apparently my body my choice didn’t apply to this jab. their CCP masters certainly do not care. and their opinion matters the most.

So, i’m leaving. here is my new theme song…. https://youtu.be/eIjEauGiRLo

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

It certainly is now. the most fun i had was when trump was in office. it was daily entertainment in the flesh. i just wish i wrote more of the zingers and melt downs down on paper.

it certainly has taken a nose dive into communism since brandon took office. and newsome stole another election.

when i’m done and we flee this state, i’ll have to write a memoir about when life is like on the inside…

PresElectDeezNuts 6 points ago +6 / -0

congratulations on your retirement!

You would absolutely weep for the lost ones today. And their children. They are hypnotized by the trans agenda. And offering their children as sacrifices.

I see that the pressure to be liberal is intense. But none can tell you what that means. Just no hurty words and go ukraines!

i retire in 2 months. cannot. wait.

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Everybody in my office was sick with a nasty bug going into Christmas break. Meanwhile, we’re kicking around bug free.

I work in completely lib infested shithole of a high tech company. So zero awareness that they might have harmed themselves with the boosters. And i know they are all boosted because they all announce their vaxx status at every turn.

Same crowd that jumped the line when the vaxx first started to roll out. Superwoke Privilege on full display.

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

These people are demonic. Begone, witch!

In case you missed it. Auntie Nan beclowning herself by wishing everyone a Happy Shwanza.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent post! Thank you.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

TV shows and movies are considered historical documents to this lot. So I100% agree with this!!!!

PresElectDeezNuts 4 points ago +4 / -0

i won’t stop date fagging not today! my faith is not lagging so let it play

2nd verse, same as the first…..

PresElectDeezNuts 8 points ago +8 / -0

“If that were true, Faucci would have warned us about this ouchie. Now scuuuuuuuuuze me while i go get my 8th booster in me kooooster. And make a tiktok video at the CVS.” 😷💉💔💀

PresElectDeezNuts 5 points ago +5 / -0

People would be so much nicer to strangers if we lived by the principles of FAFO

PresElectDeezNuts 13 points ago +13 / -0

Shamelessly stolen from twatter.

PresElectDeezNuts 2 points ago +2 / -0

and a cupped hand. not flat. zelensky approves.

PresElectDeezNuts 1 point ago +1 / -0

it’s better to squeeze you with. ask ashley

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