The literal whole world is being forced to live with savages. White people are being replaced in European countries, these immigrant savages are raping women, holding places of office and allowing leniency for their own, and white people are supposed to just shut the F up and deal with it. The London mayor is a Muslim, soft on crime. there are no go zones where law-enforcement is not even allowed to go in to. The white population of Ireland has fallen by large%, same as Sweden. Look at the United States. Our borders are open and our people are being killed by MS 13, the vast majority of crimes are committed by black people, an inconvenient fact. this very day we are watching a militant black woman being softly interviewed for the highest court. She is there simply because she is black, she is soft on pedophilia, etc. During the 2020 summer of love, the entire world bowEd down and worshipped a drug addict criminal, who got a funeral better than a monarch. We forget that he assaulted white people, but because he was black, then cop man bad. We’ve got schools teaching White kids to hate themselves, CRT, forcing white kids to apologize to black kids. I could go on and on...btw, white people make up just 10% of the world’s population. WE are the minority If diversity was a strength, affirmative action wouldn’t be necessary.
So what if you are racist? Why do people constantly feel the need to get that out there? You’re playing their game.
No...Ukraine is communist. Zalenskyy is their woke leader, smells like Obama. They’re full of ideologies of lgbt, faggot marriage, pedophilia, child trafficking...all the things commies love. On the other hand, these are the very things Nazis loathe. I know this bc I follow both nazis and commies on telegram, gab. Everyone should.
I’ve lost any optimism i ever had regarding that.
Bc the women clearly are the alphas in the relationship. It’s a dominating show of force, yet works equally well to serve against any accusations of “anti-white”. These “men” are cucks and sell-outs to their own race & genders.
Bc according to Maxey, the laptop reveals THEY ARE ALL DIRTY. He said EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.
Bc trump say vaccine good.
Damn. But I can’t tell one EU tongue from another, so sad since my family gave up their native Slav tongue for 🇺🇸. Do you know what they’re saying?
History written by the victors? You mean this satirically, yes?
Liturgical colors:
WHITE: light innocence purity joy triumph glory Season of Christmas Season of Easter Feasts of the Lord, other than of His passion Feasts of Mary, the angels, and saints who were not martyrs All Saints (1 November) Feasts of the Apostles Nuptial Masses Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses) when the deceased is a baptized child who died before the age of reason Note: White can be replaced by Gold. White can be replaced by blue on certain Marian feasts, but only in Spain and areas once subject to the Spanish monarch, and at certain Marian shrines.
RED: the Passion blood fire God's Love martyrdom Feasts of the Lord's passion, Blood, and Cross Feasts of the martyrs Palm Sunday Pentecost
GREEN: the Holy Ghost life eternal hope Time after Epiphany Time after Pentecost
VIOLET: penance humility melancholy Season of Advent Season of Septuagesima Season of Lent Rogation Days Ember Days (except for Pentecost Ember Days) Vigils except for Ascension and Pentecost Good Friday
BLACK: Mourning Sorrow All Souls Day Masses for the dead (Requiem Masses), except for baptized children who've died before the age of reason
ROSE: Joy Gaudete Sunday (Third Sunday of Advent) Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Lent)
GOLD: Joy Gold can replace white, red, or green (but not violet or black)
Maxey tiptoed around Trump, neither confirming or denying Trump’s role. He actually hinted that Trump was a do-nothing.
Of course ChinaRona exists, it exists because they created it, and they created it long before the damn-scamic of 2020. Just like the jabs they created before 2020. I’ve had it, 20 months ago and my life has not been the same. I cannot smell half of things, I cannot taste half of things. And of the things I can smell and taste, a quarter of those are completely distorted. Besides, influenza (Flu) viruses and cold (covid) viruses aren’t the same.
I’m quite the based Slav myself 🇸🇰 🇨🇿
Caffeine will cause Even mild anxiety to become unbearable. It’s gotten worse for many who’ve had ChinaRona
We always break our eggs in the hole :)
The yolk can be a bit watery, so best for scrambled or baking
No they do not taste of lime, this method is perfect for those of us who have hens that lay massive amounts in the spring and taper off at wintertime. Also good for bartering
I know it works for duck eggs, so idk why quail wouldn’t work
Yes, this is what we do with the abundance of eggs our hens lay. We don’t lactoferment but we have water kefir and kombucha
You mix the lime into the water, submerge the raw eggs in that. It’s not pickling but storage. The minerals from the lime seal the porous egg shells.
An once of lime per quart of water. Submerge eggs. Store in cool dark place
No visible dirt, chicken feces or yolk from other broken eggs on it.
When I was lesser informed, I, too, used Nazi and Commie interchangeably.