$5000 would get her a better weave
It would be funny to see a stadium full of Americans and when Canada's national anthem ends, the whole stadium goes silent, no cheering just silence. Wouldn't be as disrespectful as booing, but it would be glorious. Show them we don't even think about America's hat that is Canada.
Detransitioning in progress?
No accounting ability either
See you at 11?
They will probably add the booing of taylor and dub it over trumps introduction
She must be the new Jim Acosta! Dumb broad!
Hard pass on this movie
Also how can Hunter be pardoned for crimes he hasn't been charged with? Only accused of? Can they still hold a trial even though he is pardoned?
Here in utah we have to share water with california with the colorado river compact which was signed in in 1922. We're a desert yet we have to give them water. Fuck california! Set some changes along the san Andreas fault line and let's send them break off into the pacific!
Must have ties to the Waukesha car. Fuck the media
Type 1 diabetes is worse than type2. Pancreas is basically dead and produces no insulin , making you completely insulin dependent. Type 2 is more manageable with proper diet and exercise, staying away from raw sugars. My son has type 1 and my dad has type 2. My son is the first person in my family to be diagnosed with type 1.
Join EU once most countries leave it. Join NATO when hell freezes over
NASA shouldn't appeal to the average real world 16 year old.
Why is Beyonce culturally appropriating straight blonde hair?
Maybe that's why Obama told Trump to look out for him? Maybe he was hoping Trump would trust him instead 🤔
Thousands of people marching in NYC? Those are rookie numbers 🙄
Unused cum dumpster to be decommissioned.
Andy Samberg really went insane..
He forgot the month of the RNC and when Trump was shot. He said June 13th and June 15th. What's up with that lol
Sir this isn't a voting booth. It's an alzheimers screening....
Why is her face photoshoped on to a feminine male body?
This post is retarded
Dan better hope Tucker isn't a southpaw haha 😆 🤣