QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except for when you are the government - then your weapons are meant for executing the citizens who want to defend themselves from you

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same thing that happened in the largest school shooting in history (Waco, Tx - death toll 76).

A bunch of 3 letter glowies wanted to take citizens guns and they needed an event to do so.

QDay 6 points ago +6 / -0

I say let them try.

There is a red line that 80M Americans stand behind and those Americans have 400M guns and trillions of rounds of ammunition. So lets go liberals... pass the law... just like the police wouldnt enter the texas school - they sure arent going to enter 80M homes and say we are here to take your boom cannons.

So that leaves a stale mate between the foot soldiers and the people- if liberals want them they can come and get them. I have a yard that needs some soy and iron to water it.

QDay 8 points ago +8 / -0

Shall not be infringed.

Biden already put forth the most infringing legislation 2A has seen and no one here said a thing back in April.

Biden wants every 'part' to be serialized and require FFA background check on. New trigger - pay a bunch of money for background check and FFA New grip - ... New slide ... etc

Next he will push that all parts are considered firearms and have to acquire From 1 / Form 4 approval through the ATF. See what they are doing with Form 1 suppressors - each baffle, tube, end cap etc is considered a firearm and requires its own $200 tax stamp. That suppressor could be 20+ pieces ... thats 4K in just stamps to build an ear muffler.

QDay 15 points ago +15 / -0

The Q Post thats an upside down gun

QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

Woah - Teachers husband did orchestrate the training 'drill' a couple weeks ago.

I wonder if there is a roots here - teachers husband wants some fame or has ties to some 3 letter org - finds a vulnerable kid that he grooms to do this. Kid loses his shit earlier then expected and chooses his wife's classroom. Then has a 'heart attack' and dies a couple days later.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Law Enforcement has to know how to respond to the threat that they already know is coming. Great way to prepare for these events ahead of time to make sure everyone is in the right places and remembers exactly what they practiced a few weeks prior.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

So we enter WW3 and face nukes whenever the arrests and/or Hillary trial is after this week.

QDay 8 points ago +9 / -1

The diamond stealing fraud started in Georgia. Kemp and Abrams probably orchestrated it across the nation - they are the ring leaders.

These fuckers are stealing the diamonds and I have given up on any idea that this shit is going to be fixed by voting. I am at the point that I feel sick to my stomach paying taxes to this corrupt cabal of criminals. Boycott the damn IRS and we can crowd fund the Gitmo trials for these fuckers.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever the case may be... let me break it down on this level.

The media is not trust worthy right?

But they have been constantly telling people there WILL be food shortages.

They broadcast the fear that we have been hooked into with our conspiracies for years?

We have also been in conspiracy to get out of cities and move to suburbs because the cities will be in total chaos & riots due to whatever this God forsaken plan is.

So whatever the deep state is planning they seem to be tuned into our conspiracy or we are playing in their game. Whatever the case in a sick twisted way I do not care about a nuke attack for multiple reasons. If a nuke attack does come its going to wipe out the cities filled with loser normies and wont phase me.

But the main point is - China & Russia wont be the ones nuking the usa. I have said this many times now - after mutually assured destruction protocols there is no survival for any participant in a nuke launched into the USA. That said, our adversaries will not take us over via military or nuclear means - they will take us over through means we are seeing right now (controlling our government, controlling our trade, controlling us through economical principles). China is that person and they own us. Why would they want to nuke their #1 customer? They would just force us to be slaves to feed their population and crush us into debt servitude.

If a nuke attack is what we are supposed to fear - well China or Russia kills their slaves (USA) and risks destroying the world. If they do want to go down that path do you think they are going to launch a nuke via a hypersonic that we can track? No, they will smuggle it in as a dirty bomb or find a way to build it from within our boarders. Either way it will go BOOM in a city and not out in the country and the end result is a bunch of stupid normies wont see it coming or have time to wake up.

QDay 15 points ago +15 / -0

Nothing - the normies are too stupid to understand anything.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shocker... After the twitter project veritas video - these employees in big tech are worthless. They dont want to have to go to the office where they wont be able to get away with working 4 HRs / week at @200K+ / Year.

IF I was an investor in any of these companies I would boycott asap. These lazy commies are never going to try and work and will hype all COVID related stories to stay out of the office.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0


I am not trying to doom here - just hoping people are prepared. Fuel prices are about to rise another 25-30% in the next 2 months. This is being orchestrated and the fuel rationing is already being openly talked about from the wall street folks I follow.

Things are about to get bad and without an unexpected military intervention we must be ready for it. Deep state is on the fast track to destroying the American way of life.

QDay 7 points ago +8 / -1

HIGHLY LIKELY. This was the Cabals main MK ULTRA - Mind Kontrol Underground Legion of Terroristic Research. This is where they tortured and programmed children. Those who didnt survive were harvested for their organs, the survivors were turned into foot soldiers to perform their false flags.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

China has 300+ million locked down already. For those who think that constitution is gonna protect you - good luck. The one thing that will is 2A and not listening to any politician or giving an inch of ground to the policies. Expect your politicians to basically burn that constitution in flames and divert all protocol as 'Not my issue, the WHO said do XYZ, so talk to them.'

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

And no one will cover it because of the 'false flag' killers

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Time and time again, we have been told - Game over - Patriots in control. We are just along for the movie - remember?

QDay 13 points ago +15 / -2

Cant wait for them to air the Gitmo trials!

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
QDay 1 point ago +2 / -1

I always thought chan boards were setup by individuals where the data is hosted by the individual who set up the board - e.g. no centralized host. Could be wrong on that but maybe someone can chime in.

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