I know a lot of you folks only got on board all this stuff with Q, but MANY of us have been fighting this fight for the last 15-20 years before Q was even a thing.
A ton of the stuff Q "exposed" was already known from things like the conspiracy of silence documentary and there are those of us that have been trying to awaken the masses for much longer then the last 3-5 years....
Checkout his other tracks released in 2020, every single one is fire.
You may realize you actually do like rap, you just haven't heard any good rap until now. Certainly the first time I heard any worth listening to in over a decade.
Honestly haven't even had the desire to watch any Hollywood trash in years. Support independent creators, independent musicians.
I can understand wanting to torrent some classics tho, but modern TV and movies ain't even worth stealing lol!
like minded parents should really be forming sane educational online homeschooling collectives where their kids can interact with other kids that are NOT being indoctrinated, highly possible something like this already exists idk as I do not have kids.
I don't think parler is evil, but I do think they are incompetent - as evidenced by the fact these idiots were hosting on AWS instead of supporting a smaller hosting company that would have more likely had their back.
cutting the internet seems like a surefire way to get more people out into the streets, out of sheer boredom if nothing else.
Unless they intend to broadcast evidence of election fraud and want everyones full attention....lets see if they do it.
It would make a lot of sense to test-run this whole gameplan on a smaller scale in someplace like this before scaling up to something that would effect the whole world like a shakeup in the US would.
A lot of those guys just don't understand that Trump has to step back for short time to expose these people for what they are and to make the finale arrangements in secret while no one knows what he is up to.
He doesn't need to waste his time worrying about our feelings about the situation when the fate of the world is literally at stake.
This is a video recording of a video of a podcast reading off the same crap that has been reposted here over and over and over again.....no this is not confirmation of anything as far as I am concerned.
just more speculation....
They want you to get mad don't play into their hands, treat them like what they are - a fucking joke.