RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

The spice tingles my taste buds

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

what strain was that ?

RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I shouldnt have said white hat, implying that she is in on anything but that she is an actor that is an asset of the white hats because she keeps helping us optically.

RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm really starting to buy into the idea that some of these people have flipped or been replaced with actors because don't these people have consultants or something? the news can get their 4AM talking points synced up no problem I would think they have some kind of handlers that make sure they don't bring up certian things. It's like it really is a show for us pawns to cement how bad things are.

RadDog2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a lot of rain lately and it is causing some flooding that is due to man-made climate change - snopes probably when it started flooding

RadDog2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

"sustainable economic growth" what a toxic concept. they need "growth" because that's the only way to support a fraudulent usury based currency system. We need real sustainability where the market grows and shrinks organically from free exchange of value and supply/demand, all that good stuff.

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not trying to deboonk but the speed thing is not weird, planefags help me out but max airspeed is 600mph but with a tailwind it can go faster, like way faster so it could easily have been going like 500mph airspeed with a groundspeed of 600+

RadDog2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

anyone else been down the 239 23/9 9/23 hole? It's like plutonium 239, September 23rd, foreshadowing in movies supposedly, also ayys if you watch too much bitchute but whoi knows lol. I will buy a 1950's style school desk and put ivermectin and ar15 and lots of mags and some chicken tendies inside and when I hear the sirens I'll curl up underneath with a my pillow and be CHILLIN

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Without question. I think they have free electricity too, that's why they want to switch to electric cars, because then theyt dont have to pump, refine and transport fuel which takes skilled workers that they have to let exist and pay good money and they can cut gas stations out of the loop too.

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

If they can't define what a woman is then how can they claim to be one?

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Star Tribune is woke anti-American garbage.

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't believe in anything anymore, on the other hand I now believe in everything.

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

It looks like a beefed-up potato gun

RadDog2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

My normie friend who is very resistant to this kind of topic asked me about this lol, he said some guy at his work was saying not to get too fucked up on the 4th because they were gonna try to steal peoples souls with the CERN-thing while they are drunk and hungover. This is getting nuts how redpilled the normies are getting to even acknowlege a topic like this. I think it is kind of a joke and they are trying to attract more edgelords like themselves to the "scientific" global climate change grifting industry with all the artistry and imagry (art-faggyness). I think if they really are close to being able to hack dimentions or particles or whatever, they will just screw up and it wont work, maybe they will cause a blackout and that will be the real reason, who knows.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check this out: "warning, thins is, I guess, "woo-woo" shit so don't let me waste your time if you aren't into it"

I was thinking about these kind of disappearances and I thought what if we all collectively hold what we perceive as the world around us together with our collective consciousness?

Like what if certain people, in certain mental and physical states can spend enough time alone in nature (a slower frequency or more stable energy environment), in a certain amount of time, maybe not much at all, they can leave the main bubble of consciousness and be in their own or a different one or in that state be susceptible to being snatched into different bubbles by different forces and entities

either that or I think it's feral woods people.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have this thing connected to my security system that says starlink on it but I have cable internet, it still works when my internet is out. I don't know if it's actual satilite starlink though, My monitoring is like 400 bucks a year so maybe it actually is. I was thinking about getting the starlink internet, 500 bucks is kind of a lot for the equipment but if it worked well I would probably budget it in. I just wonder how often you'd need to upgrade something like that. I'm going to wait till more people have it and see how it works out.

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