Democrats abandon the deal and vote it down. And they are angry. Now a government shutdown looms which is a good thing and they get the blame.
But don't miss this part of the plan.
After exposing this "scam" that's been going on for years in Congress to launder our money, Elon then puts out a "picture" for the American people that instantly goes viral. A "picture" of the two bills sitting side by side on a table. The 1547 page bill stacked high and the small bill of 116 pages.
This was all planned. Why was this "picture" so important? Q told us that you can't tell the American people, you have to "show" them.
~ Joe Lange
Be still my beating heart! LOVE!
Thank Q for the update!
[their] laughter will turn to tears.
[their[ avarice and treason WILL be revealed
TRUTH INCOMING --> for all to see
Prayers UP for SA!
Kayfabe at its best.
Pull the crapola CR out into the LIGHT, which evil darkness never can withstand.
kayfabe? dunno....
but sure brings a lot of attention to [their] dirty sneaky last-second tricks
Bioweapons funding in the bill?? this is SO gonna Blow Up In Their Faces.
'splains a lot
Got my vote! utter shame-faced TREASON
LOVE this! My heart does cartwheels down the hall!
option A, option A, option A. THE ONLY VALID CHOICE!
i kin testify.
AND I've never been healthier. Counter-attack ongoing for [their] poison with clean home-made organic eats, prayer, exercise, and did I mention PRAYER? works!!
Friday, Oct 23, 2024. Dateline: SF Bay Area, Commifornia
The sky overhead was a virtual tic-tac-toe of chemtrails.
"Suddenly" everyone was ill.
I myself unrelenting cough kept me from sleep.
I'm absolutely profoundly unvaxxed; never had a flu shot in my long life.
Damnnnn them to Hades, for [their] psychopathic hatred of Humanity.
DJT: "The Golden Age of America, I call it, it's begun. So it's the Golden Age of America, and that's what it's gonna be."
Many Scriptures refer to the future paradise on Earth, what could be called a "Golden Age," where evil will be done away with and individuals will actually have great personal remorse for their resistance to the ways of their Maker.
May This Be Done, by Thy Will, not Ours.
Uh, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide ....
YES!! the BOOMS just keep rollin' on in.
You gots my vote!
O Vomitus !
Jaw dropped to the floor. TRUTH aimed at the juglar, yet prolly fake.
Scavino Posts => make my heart sing!
GOOD. Way 2 Go Irish!