RadicalCapitalist -4 points ago +2 / -6

Please don't make racist comments - I don't know what kind of person you actually are, but being a racist is a bad look and it makes this community look bad too. I happen to be Jewish and I am the most politically conservative capitalistic, fanatically pro-individual rights person you have ever met, so drop this nonsense!

RadicalCapitalist 12 points ago +14 / -2

I don't think he is working on a report. I think he is working on criminal indictments. Big difference.

RadicalCapitalist 2 points ago +3 / -1

Stunning that anyone would vote against an audit

RadicalCapitalist 12 points ago +13 / -1

I know this is just wishful thinking, but what if the plan is to give people like Mitch an "out" to leave politics instead of going down in flames?

RadicalCapitalist 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not sure if online tests are valid - mine was done by a school district psychologist aeons ago.

RadicalCapitalist 5 points ago +6 / -1

If you don't learn to think rationally, an IQ serves only to take you faster in the wrong direction. Look how many famous people need to be very smart to get where they are, but are utter fools when it comes to politics and morality. A person with an average IQ who understands the meaning of the axiom A=A is more intelligent than any leftist!

RadicalCapitalist 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't have opinions on all of these people, but here are a few thoughts:

I think that Mike Pence is actually a good egg who is under deep cover as a bad egg - wondering if it Lin Wood's job is to reinforce his cover. I think that Mitch McConnell is trying to play both sides and may well also be under cover. As hard as it is to accept, I don't think that Trump wanted to be inaugurated in January, I think that he wanted all of this to play out for a period of months to fully expose the left. As for Drudge - it may be a combination of Chinese money and blackmail, but he was such a decent guy for so long and what he is doing is so out of character that I have also contemplated that he may be under cover as well to get the inside scoop on how they control and coordinate the fake news media. Lots of crazy things will probably come out eventually and more crazy things will never be known.

RadicalCapitalist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make sure that you take into account that it is the kind of place that thinks it can force you to take a Vaccine when you make your decision about if it is good enough to warrant staying.

RadicalCapitalist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Total nonsense. You can tell by the voice pattern that it is a libtard. Definitely not Barr. These people are desperate and crazy.

RadicalCapitalist 8 points ago +9 / -1

Funny how nobody is even trying to make the links between 4 Seasons and what is most certainly coming. I'd say that since this was obviously a stunt designed to send a message to the enemy and since nothing has come to light since to tell us what the meaning was, this is something that is yet to be revealed!

RadicalCapitalist 2 points ago +2 / -0

The greatest story ever told will be the level of prosperity that the world hits when the chains are finally all removed!

RadicalCapitalist 1 point ago +3 / -2

Remember - the UK team in WW2 lead by Alan Turing who cracked the Enigma code and turned the tide of the war was deeply classified after the war. The military's purpose is singular - there is no reason to gloat or brag or disclose tactics - their only charter is simply to defeat the enemy!

RadicalCapitalist 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd take it with a grain of salt. Also - let's just say we are on the threshold of actually destroying the deep state - maybe the good guys didn't want to knock Biden out too early because Trump's being declared winner on November 3rd was antithetical to the battle plan. Trump winner on November 3 and nothing really changes. Trump winner on March 4 and the entire world turns upside down and right on top of the DS.

RadicalCapitalist 12 points ago +12 / -0

I understand completely. I had an "incident" at a local store and I was very upset afterwards. What really made me the most upset was how sad it is to me that out of a hundred people in the Costco, I was the only one who wasn't "compliant". What we need is for everyone to become non-compliant, but for that to happen, people need to understand how big a fraud the whole mask thing is.

RadicalCapitalist 0 points ago +2 / -2

What is "TD.W" - sorry if this is a dumb question - I'm new to this place :)

RadicalCapitalist 6 points ago +7 / -1

I don't think you will find the actual video in circulation - he is alleged to have given it to some people but not given them the password to decrypt it. The catch-22 here is that it would be illegal to view the video or post it on the net if it contains what it is alleged to contain, so I am not sure how they will get around that to have it become public knowledge what is on the video. Perhaps they will leverage someone in a foreign country where the laws are more lenient?

RadicalCapitalist 15 points ago +15 / -0

Am I the only one thinking that as bizarre as many people in Trump's orbit are acting - Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne, etc. - they are all playing very well thought out roles in a masterful military operation? Patrick is busy telling people what they want to hear (so they’ll believe it for sure) - that Trump's team is a lost and thrashing dysfunctional band of keystone cops, and Lin is busy making people think he is a nut-job and confusing people about Pence so that they won't realize that Pence didn't pounce because that just wasn't the plan, all the while focused on his job of delivering this payload. He gave out this password weeks ago and nothing happened - that was likely designed to let them breath a sign of relief and keep them off of the trail - but this time, I have a feeling something just might happen and all hell just might break loose related to what that password reveals - and it won't be Pence diddling little boys, but it will be some very familiar faces...

RadicalCapitalist 22 points ago +22 / -0

I've seen plenty of smugly stupid double-maskers.

RadicalCapitalist 4 points ago +4 / -0

QAnon on Telegram is 100% BS and has gone over the top with nonsense today - I just deleted them.

RadicalCapitalist 3 points ago +3 / -0

We will have a decisive military victory against one or more countries whilst barely firing a shot and we will then have this election declared void based upon overwhelming evidence of fraud and have another complete federal election run by the military. Many Senators and Representatives (and Governors) will be removed from office and the election will fill many more offices than were up for grabs on November 3rd.

RadicalCapitalist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correction - Wictor said Clandestine, not Covert :)

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