Glad to see him step away to spend more time dividing and ruining our country.
You think he watched this video back before posting or just let it ride?
It's worth the watch just to hear the things he can't help agreeing with.
But my favorite part was watching three videos full of black people who don't bat an eye at the BLM line, but Gareth here has to scratch the record and drop some truth bombs.
Look at all the shit we can agree on, white, black, or otherwise.
When Ted Cruz volunteered to argue before the Supreme Court, I bought in on him for the first time.
My mistake.
Definitely no big deal. Facebook is liberal. No surprise.
Given that we're past 10 days of this, I'm inferring that the darkness is indefinite.
They have faced zero punishment. Why would they stop?
His tweet said nothing about the inauguration at all, so I interpret the former.
That's a fact. 30 days for Flynn, over. 10 days of darkness, over. Mirror days, over.
National Freedom Day differs from popcorn day and inauguration day or I'm out.
Oh good, more hype that may or may not pay off.
Never get enough of that.
So then tomorrow, on Freedom Day, after the 10 days of darkness, we should expect to see significant light.
I sure hope this is the last day of darkness.
Way to kill people, Facebook.
Look at those evil eyes.
This of all subs should really have links in the sidebar.
So we blow up the fake fiat system and fall back on all that gold we got from the Vatican bank. Problem solved.
GME ended after hours trading at $311.99 per share
Great, now we just need ANTIFA to quit hurting people and lighting things on fire.
I wanted to say something funny, but there's nothing funny about this.
Hey I wonder if that's illegal.
How are you supposed to fly somewhere once they've told you not to leave town?
30 cent GME would be a Godsend for us late-arrivers.
Also, if the MSM is telling you to get into something, GTFO.
Not financial advice. Am monke.