RainingFrogs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they've started banning anyone who doesn't have child porn to share.

RainingFrogs 9 points ago +9 / -0

Okay the new quantum grammar/equation/encode/decode thing totally lost me.

WTF is he talking about and why did writing the masonic books in the new grammar turn the world on its head?

RainingFrogs 1 point ago +1 / -0

What we need to do is prime people to expect the inevitable distraction in advance. You know they'll pull some bullshit to take the public's focus on any merits being discussed at the hearing. Their playbook isn't very big.

They might orchestrate a reason for a race riot, or murder somebody, or blow up a building, or hijack a plane, or shut down the power grid, or burn down Portland. Anything to get the attention off of all the horrible shit they've done. Or they may decide all evidence and witnesses in Trump's defense are inadmissible.

For the next two weeks, we need to warm up people's bullshit detectors so that when the inevitable happens, they know who's at fault.

RainingFrogs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Green for money? Red for Satan? Black for death and decay?

RainingFrogs 7 points ago +7 / -0

To be fair, if he can't leave town, he's really not gonna fly anywhere else.

RainingFrogs 2 points ago +2 / -0

So then there will be no impeachment trial 2/8 because the tribulation will be over 1/31.

RainingFrogs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, deprogramming. No wonder I hate this plan.

RainingFrogs 2 points ago +2 / -0

What. Is. The. Purpose?

RainingFrogs 0 points ago +1 / -1

Suppose it's all a fake and Joe Biden is pretending to govern from a pretend White House.

What is the fucking purpose?

RainingFrogs 6 points ago +7 / -1

I don't think those people are shills. I think the installation of an unelected dictator who rules from a militarized capitol might require a change in strategy before we get too much further into the future.

Our current living arrangement is extremely dangerous.

RainingFrogs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could not believe the number of people I read yesterday who were talking about quitting at the end of this month because LTG Flynn posted that we need 30 days on 12/31.

It's not about quitting, it's about becoming more active and self-reliant. Death is at the door. We live under tyrants who are on record planning to reeducate and imprison political opponents. Matching up dates and timestamps will not stop them.

We have to set a point where we can admit the mission has not worked out as planned and we select a different self-preservation strategy. That point might not be today, but it's not too far off into the future. Indefinitely believing that someone else has got this in spite of real life evidence to the contrary could kill us all.

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