RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we make it through this whole thing and I don't make it on a fucking watchlist, I'll be very disappointed.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

woah, don't be a paperhands pussy.

AMC $100,000

RamboToaster 3 points ago +3 / -0


The most dangerous weapon in America right now.

Mine came in the mail yesterday.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why can't everybody be right?

I don't want police around if they are going to be enforcing unconstitutional and ungodly laws.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

What don't you get?

It's all fucked up from D.C. to Wall St. to Haiti relief to Hollywood to local politics. We now have a pretty good picture of exactly how and why it's fucked up.

When we get our chance to rebuild it, don't fuck it up like that.

In fact, when we get a chance to rebuild, DONT. And don't let your kids, either. Government can't do anything that organized people cannot do better.

Until then, enjoy the show of making it all fall apart.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

My hotmail account seems to just not deliver emails with links to Q related things.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jokes on him,

My vote doesn't count anyway.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is absolutely a good idea. Roll those dice.

All signs point to LAND (house not condo) value going to the moon.

If somehow the economy "crashes" you still have your home, but all signs point to inflation.

So if you buy with a home loan, you count the appreciation AND the inflation savings as profit.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just feel like if I don't want to wear a mask because it "gives me anxiety"

then I'm playing into their bullshit

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Newsom has no chance of winning a FAIR election.

I don't think Newsom won against John Cox the first time.

Our elections in CA have been fake for a while.

Don't you fucking try to promote that tranny like we are all retarded out here - we are not. Just exceptionally docile.

RamboToaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you are in charge though.

The way most people give up power is by assuming they have none.

If you showed up at my house on horseback right now and said "I am Magistra. Today we march!" I'd follow you where ever.

Not cuz you're "special" but because it's that fucked up.

RamboToaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

The reality is that Americans should never NEED the help of one man.

Americans should never have ceded so much power to the federal government.

But here we are: we fucked up.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw that too.

I didn't like it.

Then I tried to dig into the offending posts of the user they were all calling out, and I found jackshit. Do you know more?

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean I hoped you'd think it was funny the complicated dance they do to not give ANY credence to Q.

But everything you said is legit as well. The short is very real. There are a number of stonks which could be fucked by a mob of retail investors with diamond hands.

Apparently it is common for stonks to be sold 2x-3x the amount authorized by the company. I guess almost EVERY company has overvotes at the shareholder meetings.

There must be a number of people involved, and I'm scared to give anyone too much credit - but the moves that Ryan Cohen made to make GME overtly OBVIOUSLY financially viable are fuckin visionary.

He bought part of a bank, which then bought part of GME. Has it been done before? yes....just not quite the way RC did it.

Anyway. Hang around r/super-stonk if you're wondering where all the bakers went. ;)

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

dump that shit in the harbor and switch to coffee!

RamboToaster 0 points ago +1 / -1

Learn to read a thread before you start talking shit, or people will keep treating you like shill.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

No shit, check this out:

California is super fucked up - so I wanna go throw money at people to get them to break the bullshit mandates.

Like....what if I could go into Lowe's and make an announcement that I'll pay the first 15 employees $1000 to walk out the door (give me their mask and aprons) and not return to work until they remove the mask mandate? Especially on a super busy weekend. It turns it into a game.

Or go do a mask buyback program on a street corner or on a busy beach thoroughfare somewhere - tell people I'll pay them like $5 for their mask and try to collect 500 masks.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a terrible plan at all!

To the moon then!

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

861 AMC and calls fer dayyyyyys.

I just want a house on the bayou to park my sailboat at.

What you gunna do with your tendies?

RamboToaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here man. It really does bother me that there are so many paid actors talking shit nowadays.

And I really am frustrated that people want SOOOO badly to apply logic to clown world - because logic was out the door a long fucking time ago - it's really time to start thinking about what "could be" instead of "what is."

I just want to leave you with: 1. What is the difference between a Bitcoin and a GME share? 2. What if we find that hedgefunds have sold shares that do not exist? What if we find that they sold 2-3x as many shares as exist? That is a regular occurrence on wall street (the masses just don't know it - yet).

Here is a video from Patrick Byrne talking about shortselling, timestamped for you at ~4:38. https://youtu.be/BdBe5_8z53A?t=278

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