Rashidalharun 4 points ago +4 / -0

That head wobble is her real-time cranial-jerk reflex, and is due to the impetus of the first sparks of truth to fire up in there in a long, LONNNG time 🤣

Rashidalharun 3 points ago +3 / -0

Umm....you guise...I just woke up, but...is that ghost sending lightning bolts (storm?)- at the precipice- with a swamp being drained in the background- and an owl (mentioned below) perched over the muck and skeletons coming up during the draining?

[Not new to this, true to this, just raaaaarely post lol]

by jb12458
Rashidalharun 5 points ago +7 / -2

[*Yes, one day you may have to fight a ridiculously deadly vax mandate, and/or you may technically (or no shit) find yourself in harms way once or twice, AND you'll invariably only ever mention anything Q-related WHATSOEVER to maybe only 0.5% of the people you encounter here, BUT...]

Enlist in ANY branch of the armed forces. I recently retired from, and am partial to, the Army, but literally ANY branch will turn your life around, within 1-2 years, in the following areas: reliable, steady income; lifestyle-proportionate solid bank account; as a lower enlisted, a car is technically optional; vocational and technical skillset acquisition; education; life skills; possibly great mentorship (always a crapshoot); insurance(s); quality medical care (you and/or family); basic allowances for food, and adequate housing and quality of life programs (housing benefits greatly amplified if enlisted in Air Force); and garner a great sense of accomplishment and patriotic pride.

You won't be sorry.

Rashidalharun 2 points ago +2 / -0

Underrated comment, wish I could give moar updoot

Rashidalharun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow. Kudos, Fren. Longtime stalker, never talker here. To me, this is the best succinct synopsis of many of the problems I've read (I've either been here, or Voat before the close/migration, or r/greatawakening before the ban before that) in at least 4 years!

Rashidalharun 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, God walked down in the cool of the day, Called Adam by his name But he refused to answer Because he was naked and ashamed.

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