I'm waiting for the DOE to get eighty-sixed.
Future proves past, kamela's don't come message being heeded!
I'm a follower of his channel, none of his other videos are such, typically he's about world fairs and health stuff in general so I think he's more trying to bring information forward that he's found.
Yeah I don't know, but did find it interesting and posted in case anyone had done any dives into this.
Regardless, ivermectin has helped many but wouldn't surprise me if the "suppression" of it was just another layer of manipulation.
Who knows, my thoughts at this point is we're being poisoned from so many different ways, what evs. Might as well take and make the best of it.
Ditto, and true that.
I mean shoot, there isn't much you can do to avoid big pharma, even buying aspirin. And even less you can do to not support Blackrock & Vanguard lol
Yeah, that's like one of the first things that popped to mind is the Indian stuff.
Psh, the Delorean made a stop on the way back from visiting Ingersoll Lockwood. Duh!
If they were authorized by the FAA, why the research and study?
Great interdepartmental sharing...
exposing PP
All to frequent an occurrence these last few years...
Yep, and whining about how foolish he's been lol
Gates didn't take food stamps for anyone nor did he run for anything to vote for.
At least pick an appropriate post to shill in, shill
He's coming for you next!
Yeah, the philanthropy aspect may not have been a success, but I bet the pedo-nthropy was. Right Bill, was that the affair?
I've thought about this as well after seeing the other day 300 deported. While I'm sure there are plenty, I doubt actual numbers are anywhere near where we're lead to believe.
Remember, we're watching a movie.
Edit, my updoot and comment have you 17 likes and 17 comments.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Whatever you buy is up to you, you can buy and hold, or buy and sell on pumps, main stream coins or meme coins.
But if your holding, set yourself up with cold or offline storage. I have a laptop running Windows 10 Pro setup with a Pop_OS virtual machine for Atomic Wallet I only turn on to receive purchases. There's numerous options out there for cold storage, I went this route being I had the laptop so why buy something when I can use it.
I only have BTC & XRP and I haven't bought either in a year or more. And haven't sold any, I'm treating it like my GME.
I like sticking with the bigger ones, there's so many alt & meme coins out there. Although, BTC Cash has piqued my curiosity after watching a show a while back about how BTC has been hijacked and that BTC Cash is back to the true intention. But BTC is the most widely accepted so I stick with it. And XRP looks promising with Ripple's trajectory.
How has no one else asked, why is he there? Is he doing a ride along, or just out on a walk?
Looking for some cyst help. I watched a video a while back that touched on dissolving cysts, I could have sworn it was colloidal silver but not turning up anything in my bookmarks or searches.
Any help from the frens network?
Ty, God bless!
I'm sure I've seen it said before here, but for myself I just realized looking at this image.
There's no way AI isn't further along, or more capable, than we're aware of.
I'd be surprised if AI isn't a big part in all this.
D'OH! Did they mix them up with the Venezuelan planes and send them to Columbia?
Nothing like stirring the pot...
Here's a Rumble link so you can bump the speed up
I don't recall if I've heard that, but this is something all of us here need to keep in mind.
We all know we're in 5th gen warfare, and we all (I think) know looking back at previous wars, especially the WW's, the DS gamed both sides.
Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but being realistic. I don't want suicide weekend to be Q followers if in fact it is all just the opposite side of the coin.
Yeah, I just got turned onto him too a few days back. Good stuff.
If you're newish to this rabbit hole, here's a couple other channels I like too:
I heard that! I would have died laughing if he'd said X2... lets take a minute to talk about your health... (switches over to JFK Jr.)(switches back) 2...