RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't new elections in Ukraine take months? They take several months in the U.S. I would HIGHLY doubt that Pres. Trump wants to wait until summer (for Ukraine elections) before locking down a peace deal/ceasefire, especially after he said repeatedly that he "would end that war before he even stepped foot in office."

Sadly, POTUS already has egg on his face bigly from that unfulfilled promise. In this instance, I'd think Trump would be more interested in speed ending the bloodshed on both sides vs. perfection of whatever 'deal' is made.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

As we know, you can't just tell them - you must SHOW them. That's why the 9/11 psy-op was so incredibly successful. The American public was absolutely flooded with relentless videos and images of the destruction and devastation. It worked on the vast majority of people - and that gaslighting op was so perfect, it has held up for over 20 years because those visuals and trauma were so vivid. Nothing short of that level of "seeing it" will suffice, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow is Flynn incredibly out of touch. He said that they "tried to kill Trump TWICE!" I know of around 25 attempts, just from events that were video recorded and/or reported on at the time - not counting the God knows how many we haven't even heard about on top of that.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who is "bubbles boy"? I haven't heard that one before. The one I saw 'weak clapping' there was RFK Jr. Is that who you were referring? Just curious. :-)

RedPillQ17 3 points ago +3 / -0

This whole Epstein files release is starting to sound more and more like a limited hangout where they'll reveal a few spicy tidbits to satisfy some people while deeply burying (protecting) the real shocker names from the public. I'm convinced that we're not gonna be getting anything we really want, like the BIG names and the VIDEOS being currently used to blackmail SITTING "elected" officials & other key figures.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this is actually true (which I'm not convinced of yet, based on this flimsy MSM source), why on earth would Kash pick such a lame category of charge/case to go after against Comey instead of the high fucking treason case surrounding RussiaGate with Comey plotting/trying to remove a sitting POTUS from office based on total lies? A case that Kash has all the hard evidence to use against Comey from his first-hand investigating? Makes no sense to me. Why not go for the jugular?

Same for lots of other mounting evidence against a bunch of politicians - they all seem to be leading to FINANCIAL crimes (which would simply disappear with a stroke of a pen from a future Presidential pardon) instead of far more serious crimes that could be punishable by death and not pardonable by a POTUS (e.g., crimes against humanity, seditious conspiracy, espionage, attempted assassination of a President, etc.).

I'm not liking where this is all heading. It may just be a warm-up act, but if those miniscule-level crime cases get tried first (which would be tried like a year later & then ongoing in court for YEARS with all the stalling/delay tactic they'll use), then all the rest of the really heinous shit they've done will likely just be swept under the rug.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of my other videos I had on that attack have been scrubbed too. Only one link I saved still worked. Grrrrrr! I couldn't save many of them offline due to long videos re: file size limitations.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing that info! Based on the compilation data, the recurring themes of stories from people who experienced NDE have stayed consistent for several decades. Very similar to what I researched in the 1980s about NDE.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll bet that was craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy! So glad you survived!

Strangely enough, I did a research paper in school (for a religion class) on "Life After Death", reviewing/compiling stories from lots of people who had flat-lined or were deemed 'brain dead' but who came back - with wild stories about their experience on the 'other side' so to speak.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy crap - for REAL?!? OMG - that's terrifying! How in the world did you come back from THAT?!? That's incredible! Thank God you were brought back to us!

RedPillQ17 8 points ago +8 / -0

How about POTUS actually READ the Epstein client list DURING his SOTU speech LIVE on national TV, while half the country is actually WATCHING? Nobody really watches the Oscars anymore - their ratings have been in the toilet for years.

RedPillQ17 4 points ago +4 / -0

I really think good ole 'bounty hunting' is a worthwhile idea to entertain in this instance. If every (willing) county in America posted a decent-amount monetary reward for each illegal alien captured and delivered to the sheriff or ICE office, the deportation rate would exponentially accelerate, IMO.

Why not have a flashback to the Wild West with "Wanted" signs posted all over? That would make a lot of illegals damn nervous to be out in public, wouldn't it? Granted, lots of Commie governors would outlaw entire states from doing this, but then maybe more illegals would migrate over to those BLUE states and start leaving the red states. =-) Just an idea...

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are most definitely NOT "brain-dead" (your user name is obviously ironic - LOL). I'm right there with you re: both of these peeps. I'm STILL super pissed over Matt Gaetz not getting the AG spot. Starting to wonder if we're watching the 'Bondi exposure' movie now or something.

I sure wish POTUS wouldn't put untrustworthy people in power positions and within his inner circle/Cabinet JUST to 'expose them' - if that's what's going on here. Black hats can certainly be exposed WITHOUT giving them the keys / authority / powerful positions where they can inflict serious damage.

And then someone else will have to do damage control to clean up their mess and try to undo/reverse their bad deeds - while lots of precious time and resources are wasted. Not to mention the 'egg on the face' part of yet another obvious 'bad hire' in his Cabinet.

POTUS kept telling us that he learned from his 'shitty Cabinet pick' mistakes in his first term and that he wasn't going to make the same mistake this time around. But there's a pretty long list of 'WTF' people he's already appointed in the Trump 2.0 admin. Quite a few good ones, but plenty of highly questionable ones - TOO many, IMO. I want so badly for POTUS to have nothing but high integrity, MAGA loyalists surrounding him, but that's not what I'm seeing at all. I pray for him every day to stay protected and strong.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel ya re: that! Maybe it's Bondi who's sitting on the Epstein files - not Kash. I have doubts about her - going back many years.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I agree the Fake News will flood the airwaves with "Pope is dead" the millisecond any juicy stuff gets released. It won't work though since MSM has precious little audience, and people will be flooding to X and reading/posting all about the Epstein intel drop, having massively more public interest than a dead Pope anyway.

I'm just concerned that Kash is already wrecking his credibility right out of the gate by sitting on the Epstein files - for 2 reasons:

(1) He publicly stated that the Epstein files would be released on "day one" - which was 5 days ago already. Indisputably a broken promise.

(2) The longer the Epstein files release is delayed, the more likely it is that the info is being curated/edited instead of being published in its entirety - which further erodes public confidence. Especially since Kash declared in his speech right after being Senate confirmed that he's making it his mission to "restore the public's trust in the FBI" (paraphrasing).

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense. Maybe Patel's presence is giving Congress bigger ballz. ;-)

RedPillQ17 9 points ago +9 / -0

Glad to hear this is happening and thanks for the link. Although, I still don't get what this has to do with Kash Patel or why a pre-election Kash Patel video was incorporated into this story.

According to your NBC News link, it's Congress who's launching a new subcommittee to investigate J6 - not Kash Patel or Patel's FBI. What's the connection?

That aside, when have we ever seen a Congressional investigation ever lead to any justice - despite their "investigations" going on for 2-3 years? I can't think of a single instance. Sigh.

RedPillQ17 8 points ago +10 / -2

The problem is Kash made quite a few bold statements about things that he'd do before he was confirmed as FBI Director, which equated to 'campaign promises' since that's what drummed up his overwhelming public support. However, none of those things have materialized, especially the biggie - releasing all the Epstein files "on day one."

Prior to being confirmed as the FBI Director, Kash also said that he'd close down the Hoover building and turn it into a museum, but instead, he defended the "good men and women of the FBI" in his first speech after being confirmed. That's QUITE a 180 turn!

Kash also said prior to his confirmation that he wants to have a declassification department pumping out desclassified documents 24x7 for the American people. Have we heard diddly about any of these things since his confirmation?

I'm starting to feel like we got sold a bill of goods with this one, sadly. And I was one of Kash's biggest cheerleaders rooting for him to land this position, so I'm maybe more disappointed than the average person.

RedPillQ17 13 points ago +13 / -0

Listen to what Kash says in this clip - he obviously said this even before the election. This video is not a new/recent statement from Kash as the FBI Director. Very misleading, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, the longer they sit on it, the more selective editing and "curating" will occur. I highly doubt anyone even has anything close to "all the files" anyway. Those files were probably destroyed and/or falsified before most of us were even born.

RedPillQ17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure thing. Here's some more tidbits to add to the mix...


This website provides chemical analysis test results from chemtrail-tainted water and soil samples with lists of chemtrail ingredients found (e.g., heavy metals & chemicals):


This article lists some of the dangerous chemicals found in chemtrails - this article focuses on the flammable, industrial waste ingredients they contain:


Here are some great resource websites on the subject, including many informative video links too:



Here's a weather modification patent dating all the way back to 1971:

Take a look at the patents for geo-engineering on the www.patents.google.com website.

A US Patent #3630950 created in 1971 for:

“A combustible composition for generating aerosols for the control and modification of weather conditions consisting of a readily oxidizable substance selected from the group consisting of aluminum, magnesium, alkalimetals and alkaline earth metals.

(a) inorganic and organic nitrates; special mention is made of sodium and potassium nitrates which have proved particularly useful; (b) sulphur or sulphur-containing substances; or also in the following ones: (0) alkali-metal or ammonium chlorates and perchlorates; (d) chlorinated hydrocarbons such as carbon tetrachloride and chloroform; (e) peroxides.

*Source: https://patents.google.com/patent/US3630950?oq=3630950

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