Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is wise for those who have insight, to plan accordingly. All hell could break loose at any time like we have never seen in our lifetimes.

Remember, you will answer to only one just God. Allow his will to guide your actions.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a very important ruling. Once they successfully get Trump, they will come after any and all private capital. Have a 401K? IRA? Real Estate? Laws will be changed, Destructive Regulations put in place. You will own nothing and be happy.

Are you going to be like the Chinese people and Surrender? Each of us must decide.......... do I remain free or where is my Red line?

Can and Will anyone stop the Lawfare happening to Trump?

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a HUGE coordinated GLOBLIST effort to destroy the United States of America. One does not need to be Nostradamus to see what is happening nor what is soon to come.

Destroy the economy - Damaging trade "deals" and Multiple Massive bank bailouts, uncontrolled Spending, hyper inflation, food shortages, seed & fertilizer shortages, water scarcity, smothering Regulations.

Destroy the Constitution, i.e. Civil liberties, Freedom, Patriot Act, creating DHS & TSA, Tracking, Geo location, Lawfare, Corruption

Destroy our National Inheritance - Genocide, Kill the babies, Flood the border, kill our Faith, legalize gay, tear down statues of our founders, change names, change history

Destroy the Military - weaken it, confuse it, divide it

Destroy Speech - Arrest those who oppose you, dissidents, conservatives, Christians, censorship, demonetizing platforms, control media

Destroy Trust - In Government, in Doctors & Hospitals, in Media, in Church, in Technology, in each other, in Currency, in marriage, in schools.

Re education - White Men are toxic, Men are not protectors, Police are killers, Women & men don't need each other, same sex is normal, sex with children is an orientation, God is dead, Parents have no say, Children must be vaxxed, Trans is OK, White is privileged & racist,

Create Fear - Germs, Disease, Pandemics, Jabs, Terrorism, your neighbor, Crime, WWlll

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is to bad the American people will not make noise!

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

America is BURNING and this is who they are persecuting? The ONLY President who did anything for the American people is on trial!

Meanwhile, Biden/Obama/Globalist move us closer to war with Russia. Millions are dying due to nothing but collateral damage. This evil group of people are squeezing every last penny out of us for illegals. When will this MADNESS STOP!

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is VERY upset and so are the American people. It is time for this SHIT to end!

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have heard over and over that the punishment is the "PROCESS", whether it is jail time, harassment or lawfare. INSANITY

Richmanstrick 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thanks glade, but random judges are breaking the laws everyday with no accountability, it's madding. A lot of us are protective of Trump and we hate to see the constant harassment and lies. Not everyone is awake yet and they will believe this crap. It is all a disgrace!

Richmanstrick 0 points ago +1 / -1

this is not about farming, it is about re-wilding the Americas as if it were 1800.

Seed carriers that can drill themselves into the ground to boost the success of sowing rates have been engineered by researchers in America. They've taken their inspiration from a grass species called erodium, which has a corkscrew-shaped seed with a sideways-pointing anchor tail at one end. When this lands on the ground, penetrating moisture swells the tissue, triggering the spiral to unfurl against the anchor, driving the seed into the soil. By working out how nature does this, Carnegie Mellon scientist Lining Yao has developed a way to copy and improve on the process using small pieces of wood that can be loaded with a seed cargo and then deployed as aerial seeding devices, for instance for regenerating tracts of woodland or conservation areas on a massive scale. Seeds that plant themselves in this way are much less likely to become mouse and bird food, or dried out by the sun...

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Welcome to the U.S. Justice Department, a politicized agency that has become a weaponized arm of the Democratic National Committee.

It is currently a rigged justice system --- jeopardizing the integrity of federal investigations into matters of national security. US Citizens are in danger.

But perhaps even more alarming are the facts that the Biden emails and Treasury Reports showing corruption from the highest office in the land are bring ignored by Garland and covered up by prosecutors and FBI. ALL of these scandals strongly suggest what we already knew; there was plotting to interfere in a major U.S. presidential election by our own Dept of Justice.

The question is --- What are we going to do about it? The globalist have quickened their agenda to own every man woman and child. The War against Humanity is raging.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

The investigation is trying to bring the truth to the US through this documentary. The Globalist are taking over other countries, their land and throwing out the farmers to build homes for migrants. Americans refuse to believe that this can happen to them, even though illegals are pouring thru their southern border. I see the denial everyday. Watch the Doc and realize how quickly this is happening.

Richmanstrick 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need to be held responsible now! By the time city slickers find empty freezer shelves, it will be too late.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

60 Million people perished under Mao. Most from starvation. If this global evil is not removed soon, it WILL happen again. It is happening right now all over the world in unison. Just count the dead in Sri Lanka.

Look at the UN & WEF websites gaslighting the masses.

Richmanstrick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope the rest of the iron holders feel the same way. It is truly our only protection.

However, Governors are already passing legislation to claim land and water for their states.

Also, Gates, Blackrock and China are purchasing thousands of acres in the US right out from under us.

The founders believed that owning land was a way to guarantee the people could rule over their government, create communities and create a quality citizen. The U S government hates being ruled, so they are slowly changing that fact by removing farmers. The effort has recently accelerated.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you willing to pay for it? Inflation will not end until we can't own anything, including food.

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see fighting this huge Million Man industrial complex of weaponized Government Agencies, Foundations, Big Tech, 501c Charity organizations, NGOs, Academia, FB Fact checkers, and millions of Paid Left wing influencers by fifthly oligarchs.

The UN met Mon and Tues of this week and they are aggressively pushing the 2030 agenda under the guise of SDG with many nations on board. They are pushing a peace and safety treaty which if implemented...... well you know what will happen. I believe that only by the hand of God, can HE stop this.

Are we living in the end times happening right before our eyes? Umm

Richmanstrick 1 point ago +1 / -0

If something doesn't change soon, the USA will lose everything it ever stood for.
The UN met Mon and Tues, and under the guise of SDG they are again aggressively pushing the 2030 agenda. Who can stop them once they implement digital IDs and currency? Not a peep from the Media about a 7 year treaty promising 'Peace and Safety'.

Richmanstrick 5 points ago +5 / -0

funkefresh82, seek out distribution centers. They give out food at various times of the week. Find several inside or outside your area. You cannot choose what you want but you will receive boxes of what they have. More and more of the middle class are arriving and getting relief from high food costs. Find them now. Most places, you don't even get out of the car, just get in line and pop your trunk.

If you have an over abundance of potatoes or other fresh food products from the distribution centers, preserve them. The internet can teach you how. There are tons of videos to put up food, i.e. can or freeze.

In order to survive, concentrate on the basics. Food, Water, Shelter. Let un-necessary expenses go. Everybody is doing it. Assess and adjust your needs. Seek out help. Preserve. Pray. Anons here will give support. Keep talking. We know how you feel.

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