Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be reasonable to think, perhaps, this may be in relation to the re-evaluation of the dollar. Backed money has infinitely more value than fiat.

Though this may only be part of the puzzle.

Any guess as to the new form of energy?

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the crude way to TL;DR this is to say they are in FA&FO land. We are getting ready to enter the latter half.

Rooks 3 points ago +3 / -0

For reasons, I believe it is supposed to be a bit less than obvious.

I don't recall seeing our president ever make those gestures, especially in that way.

Think of it this way, if that isn't what he is doing, what the heck is he doing? It isn't in time with anything.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your not wrong. Yes there was collusion. No, it does not make a whole lot of sense in retrospect. Corrupt or baseless things like this hardly ever do. Have you ever noticed that when the past has truth it is plain and simple to understand? This is an example of the opposite.

For what I can offer, I researched it a long time ago and it was multiple suits from various years and districts almost all lies and baseless accusations. There were one or two that had a claim in fact, but even then you had to wonder if it was staged to give more credence to the claims. The article talks about one of the end results for all this crap.

Effectively it made it so multiple locations could not have republican poll watchers. Areas affected are what we now know to be Democrat strongholds, and swing states.

To them, always the ends justify the means.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Republican observers in most all districts have been accused of harassment of pole workers for being too close to election workers, questioning them, and alleged interference. A total garbage ruling by multiple corrupt judges and bam, no Republicans allowed to observe for decades.

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

Probably not, but they will most likely introduce a bunch of other things quietly, things that cause accelerated tooth rot, and point to it and say 'See?!? This is what happens when you take fluoride out, you should listen to us!'

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moreso considering in his mental state his sig. Most likely has devolved to an X.

Rooks 12 points ago +12 / -0

Total click bait. The first few sentences prove it. Article goes on to discuss some vague reshapings of their various parties after the latest special election.

So, nothing really new.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately no.

Imagine how many conservatives would risk their lives under the right conditions. Many of us I'm sure.

Now imagine someone with a global concept of family as they've been taught. Climate change, pollution, disease, war, etc. You can stop it all, they are told, by eliminating one man, and that will bring peace and democracy to the world.

Even sane people, if they believed it enough, would take the chance to do something about it.

So I had a boss who was so afraid of guns, the mere thought of one almost broke her. Sweetest lady ever. She is the type of person you could rationally approach, be as kind as possible towards, but she could become so warped in her belief, that if she ever held a gun, I 100% guarantee would just start shooting in every direction at every one, out of sheer terror.

That mindset was inherant in her, that no rational person had enough self control that they could be trusted with a gun. Merely holding one would be enough to cause her to shut down mentally and go cookoo.

That is how deranged some people are. It really is something you have to see to believe. And there are lots of them out there.

For me it isn't hard to believe they still have plenty of disposables.

Rooks 5 points ago +5 / -0

Additional sauce please, who is this and does he have authority to enforce his words? Sorry if it is obvious for others, I'd wager most of the US has no clue who this is or when it was recorded.

This is great, but without the supporting information it doesn't mean much.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

I came here to say that.

Waterspout = coincidentally looks like a whole lotta bullet holes.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, but do you think a little thing like that would stop them?

I can 100% believe they would say, use once, addicted for life (and here is our army of medical experts agreeing with us). Hence, all users are addicts.

I'm not saying it's right, I hate it, but I bet some quick searches will show it has happened before.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please note the very next part of the same question (the warning) states it is unlawful to use or be addicted to on the federal level even if the state you were in legalized it, therefore if you have ever used or we're ever addicted to (once an addict...), then you either disqualify yourself, or lie on the form and you are still in the same shape.

Stupid feds.

Rooks 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC, it asks something to the effect of, have you ever used pot.

If you ever have and they find out, bam your done.

Likewise, if you ever use after that and try to buy one, same.

Rooks 0 points ago +7 / -7

Only real issues I have with this are practical.

  1. Apartments and homes with smokers (pot and to a lesser degree tobacco) can cause severe damage to homes, most often interior walls, but sometimes more. Smoke saturates into drywall/sheet rock, causing significant expense to replace it after a Tennant moves out.

More extreme cases have seen actual structural damage from heavy pot use. (Talk to any builders association and most every member has dealt with this). I know a landlord personally that had a tennant do over $45k in damage to a rental due to pot, they had to gut the place. They were good people and reasonable landlords, and the tennant was a bum. Somehow was able to afford a lawyer and tons of pot but had no job. Couldn't pay for the repairs when he lost his suit (yes, he sued the owners for trying to kick him out to save their rental).

FYI tobacco homes can be like this with heavy smokers in the house. That smell never truly goes away.

  1. Talk to residents in states where it is legal. Driving while stoned is a big issue that is played down by the media. A lot of people hurt from stoned drivers. A strangely high proportion of pot smokers drive without insurance, or with a suspended license. -state crime records. Pick a state, any state.

  2. Crime and homelessness in general increase in legalized pot area. -state and sheriff records, easy to find with direct correlation to when that state legalized.

  3. If you are a person who doesn't smoke, areas with legal pot smell terrible. I don't mind cigar, pipe, cigarette smoke nearly as much, at least that doesn't have that nasty lingering smell

Rooks 5 points ago +5 / -0

For sheriff offices, the corporal chevron often denote a senior officer, typically someone with office or management duties, including the sheriff.

They can also have a star which further denotes duty, a trainer for example,but the video quality is pretty poor, I couldn't tell.

Rooks 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not at all, just rats on a sinking ship.

It's one of two things.

  1. They think it is a fad to switch, like when claiming to be Islamic or lgbtqp,etc. Was popular.
  2. They actually see the writing on the wall and are panicking hard-core.

Either way, yes, if they hurt children, they should be done.

Rooks 4 points ago +4 / -0

So how did it backfire so badly that those who took the clot shot are the very followers team evil wanted to follow them.

"The cult that culls from their own numbers does not stay strong." - Did they not learn that when they were at evil cult school?

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